Posted 10 years ago
(902 items)
This has three layers of glass......amber, spiralling white stripes, then amber again. There are four 'dimples' part way up and the foot is pink.
If anyone could suggest a country of origin or maker that would be good, as
even calling it Victorian is a guess on my part.
Height 20 cm./8 inches
It looks like something from a coral reef!
Yeh ! Like a sea worm shell. Quite organic !
Possibly by Harrach.....lovely.....:-)
Isn't it vaseline the foot?
@ racer, I'd have to take your word on it'll make me think of sunnier climes:-)
@Lambda, now I'm thinking sunny sea shores!
@inky, if it was by Harrach that itself would be lovely........
@kivatinitz, the foot is a glossy, almost transparent, coral pink. On pictures 3 &4 you can see that it can look clear or it can look pink. I hope this helps:-)
Thank you so much, Sean.
Belated thanks to, Elisabethan, Vladimir, aghcollect, Ivonne, PatSea, vetraio, racer, blunderbuss, welzebub, mikelv, smiata, inky, DrFluffy, VioletOrange, Phil, Rick and SEAN for the loves.
Thank you, nutsabotas, for the love.
No need to be sorry.....I dislike the name myself and you're the second person ever to say they liked it....made me smile!