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Tuba Player"Bohemian Glass"1960-70, produced by Zelezny Brod glassworks. (ZBS) and designed by Miloslav Klinger

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (915 items)

    For some reason, i don't know why, this post was delete,a day ago, and restore by CW,so here we go again....:-(
    Second days posting of yesterday find(03-13-2015)You probebly remember, last week SEAN post,,, about is find, and how GOD help him to find this gorgeous piece of ceramic, well yesterday, the excact same thing happen to me when i found this magnificent Bohemian English Tuba Player, now it's even happen, to go looking for news stuff put on those Thrift store shelf at my 15 minute break, but i can't do the 3 store in this short period of time, so before i leave the parking lot where i work, i have to make a decision :(, to where do i go, Salvation, GoodWill or Value Village, my choice was Salvation yesterday, and GOD of coarse help me to make this very difficult decision.
    I was very excited when i found him, i did't post yesterday, cuze was very dirty, don't worry "rose",,i did't summerge this piece of glass, instaid, i clean with very small paint brush and Q-tip, and lot of love and patient, it's pay off.
    This English Tube player stand, 8.75 inch tall, on a 2.75 base, was 2.25 wide.
    I am firmly believe GOD trace my Path to found this one....:D
    More picture of this English Tuba Player follow.

    Thanks for Viewing.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      What happened to ALL the comments and the other Posts you had on this item? There were 3 parts to this item -- with Comments -- and ID -- and Discussions.

      So where did they all go ???

      Seems Alan Noted this too at the top of this post by saying:

      For some reason, i don't know why, this post was delete,a day ago, and restore by CW,so here we go again....:-( ""

      I believe an ID was given by "AGalwithGlass" and some info/history on this. Now that is gone. It seems more than once that AGWG comments and ID has diss-appeared/been removed. What goes??????
    2. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      At the time I have insert this in ,art glass, bohemian and music, fews day later, CW
      relocate my 3 post , at that time they alls disappear.
      So I ask CW what happen!!!
      They restore this one, but of coarse all comments are gone.
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      I really appreciated your add back your comments, for the rest you mention i am deeply sorry that some individual are threat people this way.
      But unfortunately, we can 't change that...
      Thanks again.
      This removal was a mistery for me.
      Kind regards

    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Interesting....I did say Thank YOU and did post it there, did you Miss it? I am on Several different others are too as well as Facebook, and Etsy. Lots of people are on other forums. You state that I immediately posted it on another forum.

      Hmmmmm............."Do you Follow me on the Net (lurk)?"

      You say you did not Get a "Thank You" - therefore You "asked" to have Your ID removed? I seen several posts here where the mystery has been solved and and the title has not been changed, nor has the one that gave the ID gotten credit. That is no reason to have a ID removed from that post.....that kinda childish.

      This is CW SITE ------ posting our show and Tell and Hope to get an ID. If someone forgets to give me a Thank you for an ID, I take it with a Grain of Salt. I do not Some people are not on here everyday.

      I came to CW under my own username I had for years. You came on to CW under a diff identidy/disguise -- and only now posted your known username. I am not hiding under a different name. I knew who you were right away by your attacks on me. That were unmerited, malicious, untrue, and slanderous......even under a different username -- I knew it was You. It is your trait towards me.

      Anyhow -- Alan Post should have not been removed. He had a posted extra pics, and now lost those comment, and loves. Nor should ID be removed....and I am sure we are all mature enough here (?) that if someone forgot to acknowledge with a Thank you in the heading, or clicking the mystery solved button.....we can handle it without crying. Sure nice to have done, but we do not live in a perfect world.

    5. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Yes rose, very interesting
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Whatever -- You stated you had your ID removed cuz I never said Thank you. Whatever. Yes, You did not know a thing about czech glass, as I recall. yes you have learned. Did you want a medal?? Being the Only women.....ummm??

      I do not have time to spend studing things......I have a family, and my man!! In my life - Family is # 1.

      I am a collector (not a perfectionist) and also enjoy learning other collectible things. I do not have my eyes so closed not to enjoy it and only focus on one thing. I am human and make mistakes, as others do too.......but at least one thing -- I have CLASS.

      ....As I will *try* to help anyone out.....big time collector, or little collector. Bye

    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Oh, and PS....Whenever I referred to you real name in a Posts a LONG time ago(till you now posted it now) -- I noted you had those post removed too -- when I simply called you by your Real name. Those old replies of mine just went POOF.....for calling you your real name back then.

      Whatever -- 7 years of this by you towards me......
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      GoodBye CW.....I am leaving. Just like others have.....
    9. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      stunning!!!! very beautiful!!!!

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