Posted 10 years ago
(1006 items)
Here area couple of Jackie Gleason items. The first two images are a novelty bus pass depicting Ralph Kramden.
The next image is an old New Jersey Lottery ticket, which featured Gleason's hit show, which still endures, "The Honeymooners".
Thank you, aghcollect…I appreciate the love!
Hi, officialfuel…thanks for the love...
Good evening, Dave, thank you for the love!
Hi, V-50…thanks for the love of these items….
Greetings okeefe294…I'm happy that you like these collectibles…thank you.
So cool... Apparently one of the creators or director of Honeymooners lived in my complex, and his widow is still here. I don't know the name of the person, but it's been brought up at several of our complex events. :)
Bang!!!!! ZOOM!!!!!!!
DrFluffy…..that is so neat about one of the show's creators/directors having lived in your building! Boy, if the walls could talk? How great would that be?!?!?
Thanks for the comment, and for the love!
Ha, ha, Trey….and right to the moon is where you're going! :)
Thanks for the love, and for bringing a smile to my face!
Hi, Kerry….thanks for the love!
Good morning, Rustfarm….thanks for the love!
Hi, shughs…..thank you for the love!
Good evening, vintagelamp…..I appreciate your love of these items!
Hello, Manikin….thank you for your love!
Thank you, Sean!
Guess I missed this along the way!
Ha, ha, Buss that'll happen to all of us! thank you very much…..
Yes, Judy Exner (JFK's girlfriend) lived in the condo across from me (way before we moved in) and Teenage Mutant Turtle people lived in my condo for a summer... Heehee...
Ha, ha, DrFluffy…you lead an interesting life!
Good evening, gc….I appreciate the love!
Hi, petey….thank you for the love!
Ralph weight was 286 on the license and both Norton and Alice made light of it. He would just stare at them ..."really that's all you got." And away we go !!!!
Hi, sound like a real fan:)...a "regular riot" :) Thanks for the nice comments! RX!
That made me laugh ....and that was his favorite saying.
There is a tin toy bus from I think the 50's that has the whole cast riding with Ralph driving. I almost bought it. Do you have that toy ?
Yes, Gulf, he did have a # of great sayings...and RX ranks up there with the most memorable! No, I don't have that toy, but i do have a large photo print of the whole cast riding in a bus! It hangs prominently in my home.
Also have the first editions of The Honeymooners comic books!
I'd bet that that toy bus would set one back more than a "mere bag of shells" :)
39 episodes and I have seen them all many times. Bang zoom !