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K.u.K. time handpainted Pirkenhammer centerpiece

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (81 items)

    This centerpiece/tazza/fruitbowl is marked Pirkenhammer Austria, so it must have been made before 1918.
    It's handpainted in beautiful, bright colours!
    Pirkenhammer had some great artists working for them, Dagobert Peche was one.
    I wonder if this one one was designed by an artist?
    And where to find more information about Pirkenhammers porcelain?

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    1. jensen jensen, 10 years ago
      I find that there is quite a lot of info on the internet - just search for Pirkenhammer porcelain or Porzellan (if you read German...). Wonderful fruits!
    2. maryh1956 maryh1956, 10 years ago
      According to marks4antiques the addition OEPIAG dates it to 1918-20. Sorry can’t send a link, as you have to be a member.
      The company was owned by Fischer & Mieg
    3. solver solver, 10 years ago
      Katzl, I really love fruit motifs --- and fruit :-) --- and your reticulated compote is beautiful.

      maryh1956, great information and to point out the distinction of "OEPIAG" in the mark.

      Worthpoint has a great article, "It’s all in the Marks: What Does OEPIAG/EPIAG’ Mean?"
      "The name “OEPIAG” is an acronym for “Österreichische Porzellan Industrie AG,” which translates to Austrian Porcelain Industry."
      Courtesy Worthpoint:

      The wonderful site, Porcelain Marks & More, explains the background of the marks and the history of the different factories.

      Further, "In German language the Umlaut-character 'Ö' is often replaced by its normal non-Umlaut character equivalent ('OE') and both 'ÖPIAG' and 'OEPIAG' represent the same and are freely interchangable. The 'OEPIAG' form is *not* (as often incorrectly claimed) a later introduced adaption used shortly before the company was renamed to 'EPIAG'!"
      Courtesy Porcelain Marks & More:

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