Posted 10 years ago
(1469 items)
Just got, for a buck....LOL.
Oh - it is missing it other half, but still a Super item and Glow. Has like a lace design on it. Not sure if the top is sterling Silver or not -- may be
Any ideas?
Thanks, and Thanks for looking !!
This MYSTERY has been SOLVED by *TALLCAKES* in less than a hour. It is HAZEL-ATLAS "ROYAL LACE" circa 1934.
Thank you so much TALLCAKES. Credit Given where Credit it due. Your amazing!! Thanks again!!
great find : ) Hazel-Atlas 'Royal Lace' c1934
@TallCakes -- Your the BEST !! Thanks so much!! Wish both shakers were there, but I rather have one ----> than None!! LOL
Do you know IF the cap is Sterling Silver on it, by Chance?
cap's not silver but not sure what metal. did you know "R" list these for $80 each???
Not silver -- Okay. W-w-w-w-w-w-hat ------- really, each??
I guess a dollar at SA for a good steal.
Mystery Solved now as marked. Edited ad to give *TALLCAKES* the credit for the ID of this item in the original top post/commentary.
Thanks so much for Solving my mystery piece!!
you're very welcome : ) and yes that is EACH and at a discount, as their regular price is $90 each and no discount for buying a pair...
Thank you, that Dollar was Special then .....
Ah, stunning, it took my breath away. Lovely