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Bohemian Engraved Art Glass Caviar dish with mother of pearl spoon

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Bohemian Art Glass4100 of 6681Twin tone that a member wants to see the base off. Twin tone intermixed coloursArt glass with sea shell clam designRindskopf Pulled Feather Aventurine Bowl
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (344 items)

    There only two foods I dislike: caviar and cockles. Fortunately enough they are expensive and they are not common. But this small caviar bowl with at good price U$ 6 including the small mother of pearl spoon. We bought it two days ago to Olga Caro in Belgrano Street together with six coffee cups I will post later and the price was as a sort of discount because the cups were not cheap. The edge is scalloped and was gilt, but now the remains are scarce. You can appreciate when the pictures are full display the engraved wheel prints (third picture). Because of the type of engrave, the cut beveled edge I am pretty sure that it is bohemian and old. It measures 7 x 6 cm. The spoon is handmade and has small chip in the upper right corner. Thanks for your comments that are welcome because I am not sure about its use and precedence.

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    1. Ivonne Ivonne, 10 years ago
      A nice bowl,but the lace ornamented mat is beautiful!Did you make it yourself?
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      not at all I purchased them on garage sale....
    3. OntheLake, 10 years ago
      Great find, even if you dislike caviar! The soon is right, since mother of pearl would be the mail material used for eating caviar.. never metal as it would taint the flavor of the caviar. Very pretty.
    4. CardinalLady, 10 years ago
      Dainty and lovely!
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      Thanks Cardinallady, Onthelake, AGH, Ivonne, Sklo, Valentino and Ian
    6. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Very nicely decorated Silvia!
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      stunning !!!!
    8. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      The engraving on the glass reminds me of a vodka decanter and glasses someone posted on here. Could this be Russian glass? Kind of makes sense, being caviar. It's beautiful, in any event. :)
    9. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      Katherin I agree with you, yer I think it could be Russian.

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