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Old North Wind Buffet

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Cabinets499 of 910Drawers for a cabinet.Wood cabinet shelf.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    After looking on website after website, hoping to find more information and the specific style name of the buffet I've had for the past 30 years, I ended up not seeing a photo of one like it. So I am left still looking for information.
    The sides of the buffet are serpentine (I think this is what it's called), curving in and then out to a wide base, one side looking like a backward "S" and the other side like a frontward "S."
    The front of the buffet bows out creating its own curve. There is a rectangle beveled mirror on top. There are six dovetailed joints fitting the fronts onto each side of the drawers, and five of the rounded joints (what are they called?) fitting the backs onto each drawer. There appears to be a curve to the saw pattern in the wood on the sides of the drawers so they were probably cut with a circular saw.
    The measurements are 60" wide and 21" deep, and 62" high (40" from floor to top of base piece, with the beveled mirror adding an additional 22"). Brass pulls and handles. Any ideas as to what this style of buffet is called?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 10 years ago
      Your picture #3 would be commonly called a blind dovetail. I believe it is a modified pin and cove dovetail as I recall. This type of joint is most common on the back end of a drawer.
    2. crgent1, 10 years ago
      How does one have something like this appraised? I've heard antique dealers may give a low estimate so they can offer less money for it should they decide they want to buy it. How does one look for a reputable appraiser for antiques?

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