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Granddaddy's College Grad Ring From Lincoln Memorial University

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (224 items)

    The year is faded but he graduated from college in 1925 (looks like 35 rather than 25 but trust me, it was 1925). Lincoln Memorial University is located in Cumberland Gap Tenn. He left school to enlist in the Army & go to France to help fight the Germans as an artillery officer. As soon as he got back from serving in the army he went back to school and finished with a degree in business. He had started law school but changed his major on his return because the funds just were not there to take law school all the way. (I still have his set of law books from back then) His degree in business served him well in his far reaching career in sales with Champion Auto Parts company & then upon moving to N.W. Louisiana, he married my Me Ma (Leslie Wilson). Soon after 1931 he opened a small dept store and finally two others (another dept. store and a furniture store). He was a very hard worker who loved his only grandson (me) something fierce (His son, my father, was an "only child" and I was an only son & his only grand son). I was told that before I could even remember, he would sit me on his lap and I would read the "Wall Street Journal" to him. I was told many times what a kick he got out of that. I bet my me ma bragged about me doing that to everyone who would listen. I know, I heard it many many times growing up. In fact, I myself can remember doing it (reading to him) from about 1st or 2nd grade but I was told I was reading it to him from the age of 4 or 5. (I had really good teachers) He was very proud of me, as I was of him. His personal effects, of which I have many, are "priceless" to me. I just hope my children treat his things with as much reverence as I do now.

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