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    Posted 10 years ago

    (708 items)

    Winter 2015
    at Bennett's Creek Restaurant & Marina
    Suffolk, Virginia

    Can't wait for the warm beach sunsets!
    Sand and salt water on my feet instead of boots and snow!

    Though winter does make for some beautiful scenery, I'm a warm weather beach girl and can't wait to hit the beach.

    See all
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady In Mourning Dress Potential Post Mortem Baby
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady ...
    Antique Sixth Plate 1850s to Early 1860s Fireman Ambrotype in Thermoplastic Case
    Antique Sixth Plate 1850s to Early ...
    6th Plate Rare Daguerreotype Creepy Post Mortem Expensive Old Tag Photo Vintage
    6th Plate Rare Daguerreotype Creepy...
     DAGUERREOTYPE 1850-1865 family or class photo aprox.35 people Civil War in case
    DAGUERREOTYPE 1850-1865 family or ...
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady In Mourning Dress Potential Post Mortem Baby
    6th Plate Ambrotype Beautiful Lady ...
    See all


    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Gorgeous photos!
      I'm a bit glad I am not there however....
    2. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Amazing photos melaniej and can understand you :)
      We are starting the autumn...and Im a beach girl too.
      Ohhh, weather ;)
    3. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Virginia thank you.
    4. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Fabulous photos....:-)
    5. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      thank you for the love :)
      I know some on here say they never get snow where they live... so I figured I would share.
    6. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      Born and raised in the iceberg of Lake Ontario...
      I can identify. ! U can still be a beach girl ! Cept. U'll have to wear ice skates !
    7. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Lambda55 can't trade my flip flops in for ice skates.....
      No way!
      I'm freezing right now because it's 40 degrees!
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Love the pics. Snow has almost al gone here. Suppose to rain today not. It is like +8 C here today.

      You should get some local artist -- to do a Oil painting of your pics....then post us that Painting here. Visual art tells a story!
    9. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      antiquerose changed it to "Photos"
      but can't take the "story" part out.
      I still love summer over winter...... no matter what category I put it in ;)
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      They are beautiful Photos -- and worthy to be in oil. My Mom once took a sunset pic, and had that image painted in oil, and large.

      I would take YOUR view any day!!! Lucky Girl!!
    11. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Roll on summer !!
      Those long hot lazy days out on the water with a cool can of beer !
      Crashed out on the beach , bakeing in the sun with some honey rum !!
      Sat in a pub beer garden in those warm summer nights with the chilled mixed berry cider!!!
      God do i sound like an alcoholic or what ;-) lol
      (Thirsty now , just going for a drink ) LOL !!!!!!!!!!!
    12. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      Surfdub66 take me with you! Sounds like a great day! ????????
    13. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      LOL melaniej , i a bad influence! !!!! ;-)
    14. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      surfdub66 no your not.......I do "bad" good enough all on my own :)
      Every one needs some down time once and a while and mine just happens to be seasonal....SUMMER TIME, so I guess I'm not too bad after
    15. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Love your sail boat picture.
    16. melaniej melaniej, 8 years ago
      Caper kid thank you for the comment on the sailboat photo.
      We have snow coming tomorrow so maybe I could go out on the 4wheeler and get some photos.
      Glad I have these because all has been torn down and development of a new restaurant and condos is going up at the above site. Hoping they have boating docks also...but we shall wait and see.

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