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1950's ZIPPO LIGHTER - Canadian

In Tobacciana > Zippo Lighters > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity12 of 102What to do when you think you’ve found a rare one.Vintage ZIPPO -- Pipe Lighter ( 1982 - 1984 Model )
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1469 items)

    First of all -- I want to say a BIG THANK you for all the Support, love, positive comments, emails, and sincerity of CW members toward me. A Big Thank you. IF it was not for you -- I would not be back. Due to your out-pouring of love/support.....Here I am. I Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. I love all of you supporters, and you know....I love antiques and collectibles!!!

    YOU ARE TRULY FRIENDS in Life, and in the collecting field!!! Again Thanks and HUGS to all.....Now back to business.......LOL.

    ** PLUS this is Post number # 497 -- Gotta get to the 500 mark....LOL


    This was my Dad's Zippo lighter. Dated on the bottom both Canadian and with the Date of 1950. (my dad passed away in 1977 R.I.P.) Do not know that much about Zippos lighters EXCEPT there is a hot demand for them, and the older ones are very collectible. Not sure how the Canadian ones VS the USA made ones compare.......but a Zippo, is a Zippo -- Is a Zippo.....LOL.

    Thanks for looking, loving....and your support. I hope you enjoy this post. If you have any other Zippo info on this one, just let me know. I just know its old and probaby very collectible.......

    .....Nice to be back.....Love ya all !!

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    1. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Yeay.... I was really bummed out about it all and now I am glad that you are here again. Welcome back.
      Great post too...
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Thank you Dr Fluffy for your love.....and your support. I love you guys!! It meant alot to me......


    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Very Nice Canadian Lighter eh! Love ya antiquerose. RER(BOB)
    4. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      Nice lighter.

      I missed it all, and that's ok. I'm just glad you are staying.
    5. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Glad, happy, pleased... You are here!
      Big hugs to you :-))
      Your cat pic is all my cat!!!
      Great post too with family memory :-)
    6. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      I'm so glad you changed your mind Rose! How could you stay away after all the love and support you received? Now don't do it again!!

    7. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Yeah you're back Rose ! I was bumming but now I'm smiling... :)
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      lol....Thanks guys.....more crap ( I mean treasures......LOL ) to come. I love too many things here.

    9. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Cool zippo ;-)
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      @ Phil -- Thanks so much.

      Did not want you to be the only one on the Block......LOL.
    11. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 10 years ago
      Glad your staying ,I have seen bullies/haters come and go,some quicker than others.
    12. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      gargoylecollector --> Thanks for the Comment also!!
      AzTom --> Thanks for the Comment also!!
      mikelv85 --> Thanks for the Comment also!!
      kyratango --> Thanks for the Comment also!!
      LOUMANAL --> Thanks for the Comment also!!
      DrFluffy --> Thanks for the Comment also!!

      ....Thanks also to RICK55 and AZTOM for the comments also !!!!
    13. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Here is my other one......1950's

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