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Cranberry with vaseline rigaree and a raspberry prunt salts.

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (30 items)

    These followed me home because of the beautiful salts which have been shared lately by Perfumer. I have always had a thing for Rubina Verde, cranberry with Vaseline and any combination of those two colours plus opalescent glass. Until now I have managed to keep myself to shades in these colours for the most part but..... Then I saw these and the pieces I will add next.
    My question is do you believe these to be made in England or are they Bohemian works of art? I am eagerly awaiting the completion of my kitchen so I can use these at our next proper dinner. It would be fun to know more about them.
    Is that raspberry shaped prunt any indication of maker? What does it tell us, if anything besides being a mistake, that when the rod was cracked off there is a hole and that is now covered by the prunt? I would think that it was perhaps a bad day for someone but the other salt is exactly the same. Is this a clue? Oh I do hope it is. ;o) There are two applied rows of rigaree one forms the top ruffle and the second provide the ring which holds the salt up in the little plain plated frame.
    Thank you for anything you can share with me. I am tickled pink with these delicate little jewels. Thank too to perfumer, who opened my eyes to these lovely little pieces.
    Oh one more question? Am I using the correct term for the raspberry which is placed on the bottom? Is it indeed a prunt? I know that is the term used for decorative little additions when they are on the body of a vase or such. I am just not sure if this would also be considered a prunt. Ta very much.

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    1. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      Pretty ! Even w/ out uv
    2. inky inky, 10 years ago
      How very pretty is this...:-)
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 10 years ago
      About the prunt/strawberry over the hole in the base. Have I got that right? Bear in mind I am no expert.
      Recently I bought an early period Welz lidded jar. The lid is domed with a hole in the top. Over this has been placed clear glass, topped by a clear glass leaf to form a 'knob'. Welz shipped an enormous quantity of glass into the UK before WWI. I merely suggest that your prunts/strawberries may well be meant rather than accidental, whoever the maker may be. Peggy
    4. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      Dear Peggy,
      Thank you. I think that the prunts were done as part of the piece and not just an addition to make a mistake still saleable. But I too am anxious to hear what those among us who really know their stuff have to say. Not to say that such additions were not done to make an otherwise ruined piece fit for sale. I have read that that was done some times with Silver deposit too and other forms of ornamentation. I have this vague and I do mean vague recollection or foggy notion that at one time I did know or hear that a raspberry prunt had a significance in terms of nailing down or perhaps just narrowing the field of possible makers. We shall see. After further snooping I think that the world prunt is acceptable to describe these little raspberries when they are used in this way to cover the pontil scar. The word is also used to describe addtions placed on the bodies of vases etc. as decoration. So until someone tells us differently I think that Prunt is the word. ;O) If I was a better photographer, or even on a better day I would perhaps have been able to capture the prunt for you properly. It is a little collection of rounds that do indeed remind one of the raspberry. hence I think the descriptive. Thanks a bunch Peggy for your comments. I so enjoy these conversations with fellow chasers of more and more knowledge about these things we collect and love.
    5. Perfumer Perfumer, 10 years ago
      Lisa, I believe these are English, and I have always taken the raspberry prunt a sign of quality, definitely not a mistake! Will check my books in just a bit!
    6. Perfumer Perfumer, 10 years ago
      The bottom Prunt is called a berry pontil according to my salt book, the OSC, Open Salt Compendium, the salt might also be Webb?
    7. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      Dear Perfumer,
      Thank you. Berry Pontil it is then. Webb? Now that is really exciting news. Thank you for looking and thank you too for the information.
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Wow Lisa! This is a unique and beautiful salt! The decor and colors are striking!!
    9. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      Thank you Rick. It is one of a pair. :O) I am really tickled to have found them and even more pleased that I bought them just because. They are frivolous in the sense that didn't need them in a practical way but I do so love to set a table with all the wonderful things that bring me joy so in that sense they will be used, useful and oh so so beautiful and for younger guests, they can even become a little window into the past and I too like to ''teach'' a little when asked. I am so glad that you took the time to tell me that you enjoy them. The little silver stands are very plain and just practical but not pretty. I think in this case that is a good thing because with so much going on with the lttle salts the frames could so easily interfere.
    10. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      Thanx ! LL
      I feel green and glowing all over !! Lol!
    11. Lambda55, 10 years ago
      And I love ur Dog pic. He or she is full of happiness !
    12. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      I am glad that you are glowing. ;o) That pic is my William and he was a very happy boy. I miss him everyday. I have three dogs but William was one of those special "people". :)
    13. victorianrosebowls victorianrosebowls, 10 years ago
      I had a similar piece- ruby w/ Vaseline glass feet and rigaree- I assumed it was made by T. WEBB
    14. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      BEAUTIFUL Glass!

      I have heard them called raspberry prunts and also to be a mark of quality.

      The few pieces that I own with one are not used to cover a mistake or pontil damage.

      In my early days of collecting, I heard them described as an indicator of UK production. I don't recall reading/ seeing confirmation on that attribution.

    15. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      Dear Victorian Rosebowls & Scott,
      Thank you very much for your comments. I appreciate your taking the time to look at the salts and then to add your information. I am well out of my depth here and really do thank you both for helping to educate me.
      Thank you too for all the love button ticks everyone.
    16. Butt3rfly Butt3rfly, 9 years ago
      I have some similar items and they are english, stourbridge :)
    17. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      WOW just WOW
    18. Tahiti1 Tahiti1, 8 years ago
      Holy Hannah, how beautiful!!!

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