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Some Old Rings of My Moms -- Loved & Worn Daily ( 2 Rings )

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Two Rings. They are not PERFECT! They were worn daily on the farm when my Mom was alive. These were worn in the house, the yard, or in the field helping Dad out. They show the character of my Mom life. The Rings were loved.

    I like when antiques show their Character. As I am Not a Perfectionist. I am one of those people that like to get the dust, dirt, and rust on my Hands. My Mom was that type of lady too. Working in the field driving truck or the combine (side by Side with my DAD ) -- then shower, clean up and throw on a Dress and be a lady at a Social function with my Dad. My Mom & Dad were well loved by all.

    To me -- I see my Mom life in these.

    MOM -- " A Days Work well Done " + R.I.P +


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    1. LoriLovesVintage, 10 years ago
      Beautiful! And thanks so much for sharing the story behind them. What an amazing treasure you have in these. :-)
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Thanks LORILOVESVINTAGE -- The saying " A life work well done" is on Both my Mom & Dad Headstone. It is so true to them. They worked hand in Hand - as partners in Life, work, and marriage. It was TRUE LOVE for them.

      I see this in these Rings, and know their history.
    3. pops52 pops52, 10 years ago
      Hi antiquerose, Thanks for sharing this great post with us! Glad to see you are in better spirits!
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Thanks POPS52 -- I always reflect on my Parent memories when a Holiday comes by -- and I miss them 365 days a year. Life only comes around once.

      ...and sometimes need to shed some tears .... Gone, but never forgotten!
    5. Ivonne Ivonne, 10 years ago
      Thanks antiquerose for your moving words...I often have the same feelings
    6. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Love this very much!!!...:-)
    7. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      I totally agree with you! These things mean so much. I wear my mom's very small wedding ring on my pinky finger. I get so much comfort just by wearing something that has seen so much history. Bless you!
    8. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Those are beautiful, Rose!
    9. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Thank you ever so Much for your loves. They are Special to me, as this post is:

      upstatenycollector --> Thanks for the comment also!
      vintagelamp --> Thanks for the comment also!
      inky --> Thanks for the comment also!
      bratjdd --> Thanks for the comment also!
      Ivonne --> Thanks for the comment also!
      pops52 --> Thanks for the comment also!
      LoriLovesVintage --> Thanks for the comment also!

      Thanks again for loving a part of My MOM life -- Greatly Appreciated
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      @Valentine - I understand. Been there, done that. After my Mom died my Mom wedding rings went *missing* too. How when they had been on her hands, and also they were *listed* in the will to go to me. But they were missing for some 6 months, and I had to get a lawyer due to other issues by my brothers. I guess they figured I got a lawyer ===>> the rings suddenly appeared in a drawer that I had looked through before. Funny how that happens, eh? I did get them, and they are posted on here. Long story short - my brother was doing a bad job as executor (greedy) and I had to take him to court. Yes, he was removed as executor ( so he was doing wrong ) for (a) breach of fiduicary duty, (b) failed to provide a credible accounting, and (c) "postive misconduct". He also was ordered to pay my legal bill of $ 22, 589.00 plus his own. Moral of the story, there was Fraud and I proved it.

      I am Not bad-mouthing him as all is recorded on my court order that I still have. Any how, it is best that you get there as there may be something special you want from your Mom now, before other hands get in there!! Also, a good thought when your a parent:

      ""If friend or relative, alike,
      Admires something that I own;
      From hereon in, I plan to say,
      "It's yours ... please take it home."

      I'd rather see their pleasure now,
      As long as I am able;
      I'll have more joy from my things,
      Than if displayed later on some table.""

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