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Costume brooches

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Costume Brooches1819 of 2538Elephant brooch Butler & Wilson Elephant Pin
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (100 items)

    For your enjoyment a variety of Costume brooches. I had started research when I first bought these but then stopped for a while.

    Hope you enjoy.
    Does anyone else collect Costume work?

    Costume Brooches
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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      I do Anne and these are beauties :)....I just love the stuff. Have quite a collection too. Most unsigned. It can be very addicting ! You should see Phil's Simmons pieces he's posted. Gorgeous high quality costume jewelry .
    2. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      These are lovely! I collect vintage jewelry both fine jewelry and costume. It's all in the piece, iform there is something special about it in my eyes. Vintage costume jewelry isn't that big were I live but is becoming more interesting to more people. That is both good and bad for me as people realize that old jewelry they have in their drawers are interesting to others so they sell them but with more interest prices go up. When I look on CW I have the feeling in US you have more costume jewelry out on the market, that might be also because a lot of it was made there?
    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      Sorry just saw you don't live in the US so you will have to read what I wrote as 'you' mening more in general. How is the costume jewelry vintage market in Australia?
    4. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      All so gorgeous Anne!
      I will answer Elisabeth for the Aussies. The market here is limited and relatively expensive. Not much jewelry was made here, most was imported so it was not cheap even in it's day. I am always astounded when I see the beautiful items Mike and Ken pick up at charity shops, and the huge range that seems available at little cost on US Ebay. I don't know about Anne's pieces, but collecting vintage costume jewelry here seems relatively expensive to me...on average a nicely set brooch would not start at less than $20.
    5. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      Thanks Karen for the Australian lowdown. Yes compared to the States where they sell brooches for $2 and $3 over herend they start at around $15 or $20. But in a lot of cases it can still work out the same because of the stupid prices for postage.

      I buy mainly AB or just really pretty or unusual ones that I the yellow star, 2 nd photo in her, the colour of that yellow is just amazing, I've veneer seen yellow glass like it before.

      But as you'll see I also collect period gemstone pieces with citrines and emeralds in them, not pictured here. I can't wear necklaces anymore so brooches have become my centre of expression along with rings...I've gone ring made with opals, emerals, rubies, garnets and all sorts of stones in them...

      Ebay, Etsy or a friend who has an amazing array of brooches are my main source, although faceache does have some pages that I can visit that help me in obtaining some pretty just need to avoid the bitch fight of menopausal women arguing over who said SOLD first...

      Yes nuts, that first one is a beauty..although when I got it I didn't realise it was a 3/4 style..that's another thing to watch...size....
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      very beautiful AnneLanders!!
    7. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      Which is your favourite Sean ?
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      I love these Anne! The first one is something special!
    9. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      Yes Rick, the blue and gold together are something very special. When I first received it as I bought it off a well known auction site I was a bit disappointed. It was quite smaller than I had thought it was. But now I wouldn't have it any other way. There are some colours that naturally compliment each other. Thank you for admiring them...
    10. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      You're so welcome, thanks for sharing your beautiful collection!
    11. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      hi Valentino..thanks for your post. The exact reasons you state are the reasons I dont post individually. Last year I was posting every day and think I'd got up to over 100 items in 3 months. Then for me I decided to remove my entire collection. Of which I have hundreds of items. I only post now when I want to say something and that comes in spurts!!!!!
      I understand what you mean about some ppl missing my items. And that's ok too....the important ppl know where to find did eventually....Id be interested to hear what you think about my Italian Art Nouveau brooch, the citrine one....
      Thank you again Valentiono, I'm glad you like my items.....thank you so much, I feel very honoured that youve taken the time to stop by... :)

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