Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
We just bought this cherry 1946 Dodge one ton truck from a friend. He bought it 20 yrs ago from a guy in Wyoming and intended on restoring it. The truck only has 4700 miles on it!!! It was only used on the farm and the place sold and new owners wanted it removed so my friend got it. He really planned on restoring it but here we are 20 yrs later and he has figured out that he has more projects than he has time, so he agreed to sell it to us for our Fuel Delivery Truck at aaaLakeside Storage in Provo, Ut. We will likely just put it on blocks and run the engine every few months to keep things in good order and let people take their pix in it etc. We are pretty excited about the new purchase to go with the Collection we have. Come visit us or check us out online. We love the hunt and we love finding great old memories to be able to pass them along to our kids and grandkids. This truck will have a gravity flow fuel tank on the back that is an original Fuel delivery tank with a two compartment for Diesel and Regluar. This type was a little slower than the pumper delivery systems but much lighter and fewer working parts. This fits the bill for us! Happy Hunting!
love old trucks
Yep! They are cool and when u find one that runs, has good tires, title, and is ready to go from the outset it's all the better! I wish the 29 AA Ford truck we bought was this nice!
i learned to drive in one of these! we kept it as our plow so we could get out in the winter time. when i came back from my first year of college, i jumped in it and it filled w/ wasps who had made a large nest in the glove compartment.
Not a good omen with the wasps! We have them nesting in the Stude right now & we hate those little pests!