Posted 10 years ago
(344 items)
We bought these Chocolate or coffee pot several years ago to a woman that has retired: Eva Hek. We were amused because the blank is the ultra essence of Art Deco and the decoration is almost a lesson of classic Art Nouveau. Using the technique to illuminate from inside with a bright light I could photographed that was don by Mavaleix & Granger Limoges, France. There is an intresting blog with Art Deco Limoges where there is some information about this pottery.
And a bit more ici:
From the information there, it is clear that the pot was done between 1920 and 1938. I had found several pieces of coffee or tea services with this decoration pattern and all of them were sold by A Los Mandarines. I dare you to find it on any piece yours or on the web with this décor and not marked for A Los Mandarines a shop that sells coffee till now . I found an identical one on Mercadolibre that is announced as PL and infact the decorator was PL but not the blank (green mark). Though it is not true it is interesting what explains about the firm since says that the pot was done between 1920 and 1938 because one León Desbernats a French man was a member of the society between that years. Some other items with the same decoration or searching on the web for “los mandarins” and “porcelana”, thus I conclude that blanks from different faiencerie were decorated with this pattern by PL for A Los Mandarines. Have you any similar example of production with the “mark” of a Coffee or Tea seller with a specific pattern done for it?
stunning and very beautiful!!!
Sean, Rick, Sklo, antiquerose, vetraio, mikel, Ivonne and AGH for comment and loves