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Glowy maybe glowy number 1

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Zowie's loves617 of 1827Throwin down the Gauntlet !! Let the games begin !Glowy Maybe Glowy Glass 3
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (158 items)

    Between now and Friday I will be posting items.I will leave these items up for two days.Your job will be to guess whether they are uranium glass pieces or not. After two days I will post pics under longwave UV blacklight.The person that gets the most correct will win a "Major Award"
    It will not be Fragile But it will still be a "Major Award" Very uncommon and something I seriously doubt any one of you own . I ask that you not make a comment that will help ID a piece. Please answer by writing Uranium Glass Yay or Not Uranium Glass Nay.
    Deadline is 6:30 PM Eastern 4/8/15

    Art Deco
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    1. glasslove glasslove, 10 years ago
      uranium glass yay!!
    2. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      uranium glass yay
    3. TallCakes TallCakes, 10 years ago
      maybe include a deadline in the original post i.e. 6:00 PM CST 4/8/2015
    4. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Thanks Tallcakes !
    5. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Uranium Glass Nay....:-)
    6. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Uranium Glass
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      uranium -- Nay
    9. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      A long Nay.
    10. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago

    11. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Uranium glass nay.
    12. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Hi Hedgewalker. At first glance I'd say 'yes' but I know how tricky it can be and been fooled in the past. Looking more closely at the thick edges I'm going to say 'no', they seem too dark. I'm probably wrong though, lol.
      It's lovely whatever it is :)
    13. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      Not Uranium Glass, Nay
    14. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      okay I'll play yay
    15. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      Kerry says Uranium Glass nay
    16. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Uranium glass yay
    17. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      OK All voting on this item is done.
    18. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      And the nays have it !
    19. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Lol, I see I'm not the only winner.

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