Posted 10 years ago
(158 items)
Between now and Friday I will be posting items.I will leave these items up for two days.Your job will be to guess whether they are uranium glass pieces or not. After two days I will post pics under longwave UV blacklight.The person that gets the most correct will win a "Major Award"
It will not be Fragile But it will still be a "Major Award" Very uncommon and something I seriously doubt any one of you own . I ask that you not make a comment that will help ID a piece. Please answer by writing Uranium Glass Yay or Not Uranium Glass Nay.
Deadline 6:30 PM Eastern 4/49/15
stretch Vaseline glass / NOT URANIUM
Uranium Glass Nay
Uranium Glass Nay but your hand may glow from handling so much Uranium :-)
Not Uranium Glass Nay
If my hand glows I'm sure it would be from the uranium glass ; )
:-) Hedge
I don't know about your hands glowing, but I'm sure "Homeland Security" has you house tagged in satellite imagery.......
Uranium Glass -- NAY
@ lol at Kerry -- His whole house must Glow.....LOL
Uranium glass nay
It's yellow but does not appear to be Vaseline so Nay.
lol Kerry :-) I needed that chuckle xo
Glowing glass yay !
Uranium Glass Yay
Oui on UG.
uranium glass nay
Not Uranium Glass Nay
Uranium glass nay.
Tricky tricky. but, never having come across iridescent uranium glass before, I'm going to guess No.
Lol, sean, giant hands, that's a dinner plate! ;)
It's actually a serving platter.
Or is it a button ?
best not to confuse surface treatments used for stretch glass and carnival glass with content of the glass. Hedge, are you gonna update posts to tell what they are other than glow aspects?
OK All voting on this item is done.
Very Glowy Glowy
uranium glass yay
Yes Tallcakes When all is done I will give info on the items I know. Anyone is welcome AFTER the conclusion to lend their knowledge as well.
sorry just missed it and you hadn't put your result when I posted.. yay!!...:-)
Uranium glass.
Aww no, i got another one wrong :( I love this. I didn't realise it had a hole in the middle. May I ask what it is?