Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
We found this part at an antique store, but we have no idea what it is from. Does anyone know what toy this was a part of? Any feedback is appreciated.
New find, but what's it from? |
indytandj's items1 of 1 |
Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
We found this part at an antique store, but we have no idea what it is from. Does anyone know what toy this was a part of? Any feedback is appreciated.
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litho string climber....from the 30's, if memory serves me correctly
Thanks for the comment. Sorry for the non-description on the original post. It is a non-moving piece. it's about It has tabs on the feet and maybe there used to be one on his bottom.
It's about 2 1/4 inches (see 2nd photo I just uploaded)
We are guessing he may have been a driver of some vehicle maybe?
That's probably correct, I didn't see the tab on feet.....Hopefully someone will know exactly what toy and mfg.....there's a lot of knowledge here on this site, with many diverse collections of interest. Hope this mystery is solved quickly for you. Welcome to the forum.