Posted 10 years ago
(156 items)
This is either a bud vase or some kind of glass/decanter. Anyone who might want to comment on what this is, please do.....Thank you
From the Potstainiers Hutois web site:
For centuries, Huy is very well-known for the work of pewterwares and nowadays, the "Potstainiers Hutois" have given fame to the city with their original creations always manufactured in the antique tradition.
The Potstainiers Hutois company was born in 1949, but they meet a great success with the Universal Expo of Brussels in 1958. Since that time, their pewter items are requested worldwide.
The most important thing is that our alloy is completely leadless, so there are no danger for Health. They are totally handmade. We are perfectly able to meet the requirement of each customer for the personalized business gifts.
Our hallmarks will guarantee you the very specific brightness of the pure pewter, making of it one of the most sought-after materials in decoration and art of the table. "Potstainiers Hutois", a new style of living with high top quality pewterwares.
At 8" high my best guess would be a bud vase, as a decanter would need considerably more volume. Nice piece!