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Family Crest

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (22 items)

    This is my Grandmothers, Grandmothers Family Crest... [I believe... not really sure how old it is] It is VERY HEAVY... 22"long x 14"wide...
    From what I have researched [and I could be wrong...please let me know if I am]
    The animal that looks like a dragon is actually the Pelican of Piety - symbolizing piety, self sacrifice, and virtue. It also symbolizes the duties of a parent or parental love. The crown below the Pelican means a sign of success, emblem of victory, sovereignty of empire. A great honor. The Cingfoil flower represents hope, joy, and the plume of Ostrich feathers means serenity of mind. The axe/dagger means Knightly service and devotion to honor and chivalry.

    You might wonder how I do not know where this originated in my family? Well, I was raised an only child, of an only child of an only child... I am the last living relative with this last name... My Grandmother passed when I was 9 yrs old [ADORED HER], Father passed when I was 15, and my Grandfather passed when I was 18... There is no one to ask... and all my treasures have been boxed up for the last 30-35 years... All I have to ask... is YOU! And any information would be greatly appreciated!!!
    There is no category for this.... so I will do my best....

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Nice family memory!
      I think the "bird" is more likely a phœnix or a griffin than a pelican.
      This might change orientation for searching :-)
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Very Nice......and Nice to have!!!

      You do not say where your relative were from ( area/Country ) but I do know that the VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSUEM in London -- may be able to help you. I had contacted them years ago about our Family crest that we have in our family.

      ....or at least point you in a direction. Worth a Shot. They sure helped me!!

      There is also a book entitled:
      ""Fairbairn's book of crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland""

      ...that may help also
    3. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Beautiful !
    4. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      I feel this is not of anyone's personal crest, but a piece of room decor.

      T A
    5. mxmarinemom mxmarinemom, 10 years ago
      Thank you everyone for the comments... My grandparents were Czech and Bohemian...
    6. OlofZ OlofZ, 10 years ago
      Like TubeAmp, my first idea is that this might be more of a generic crest since at least the heraldic family crests of Germany and Scandinavia have some more significant symbol in them in addition to the more or less inevitable helmet, crown and griffin. If anyone will be able to help you, your grandmothers grandmothers maiden name would be most helpful. Or any family name at all to start with...
    7. OlofZ OlofZ, 10 years ago
      It could very well be a Coat of Arms for a region, city or kingdom as well. Not necesarily a family crest. E.g. this is the Coat of Arms for the Kingdom of Bohemia:
    8. mxmarinemom mxmarinemom, 10 years ago
      Thank you olofz.... the name is Schwab...

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