Posted 10 years ago
(436 items)
Decades of collecting... Only a part of them...
I love displaying them in bunch, pinned in soft clay in decorative pieces.
Very miscellaneous, silver, mother of pearl, marcassites, enamel, coral, agate, gold, diamonds.
For me, the most unusual is the red butterfly, Viennese cold painted bronze!
If you want individual pics of some, just ask!
Hi Kryatango. They look great displayed like that! Far more interesting than a bunch of flowers. The butterfly looks so real! amazing
Yes, and they last more longer ! Thank you Fran for your nice comment :-)
Thanks Vetraio, Racer, Jewels1900, Mikelv and Melanie too for your loves!
What a wonderful bouquet! Kyra, do you buy anything that catches your eye or do you look for specific types, periods, etc.?
Very attractive ! It's nice to look at ! But i wish it would hold still !!
Jk:.:! First pic. Is the nicest ! Keep it there ! I'd not be surprised if u told me ur a gemini !like me !! But it's good to experiment •!.~,
@ Bluboi, nearly all of them were bought before Internet era, in this times I haunted Paris flea markets, had always a cork in my pocket :-)
I bought anything gold or silver, if not expensive. I'm rather a hoarder, as I don't classify them.
Hat pins, due to their lenght were often put together in one box, mixed junk or precious!!! I had some incredible finds because of that :-)
Of course, the jadeite one (Ebay) wasn't cheap, but quite affordable though ;-)
@Lambda : Thanks :-) They giggle a lot!
No, not Gemini, Pisces!
Thank you Nutsabotas for your highly appreciated compliment :-)
Thanks Valentino and Ho2cultcha for your lovely visit ;-))
Oh, sorry Val, missed your comment... Yep, coral, they are old re-use of antique earrings drops (perhaps from a lonely or broken one!).
The blued metal on yours could be only for decorative purpose to contrast with the yellowish heads. I don't think it is to prevent from rusting as I saw blue steel badly rusted!
For the rest of pin collection, I will post it soon. Thanks for asking :-)
New pics !
What I love most about your collection, is your presentation! You display them beautifully!!
Rick, thank you so much for appreciate it, and your wonderful compliment!
A collection is alive when you can enjoy it at any moment, my bouquets are always in sight :-)
Sklo, Walksoftly, CW Staff, Toracat, Toni and Trey, MERCI!!!
You're welcome Kyra. I just cannot enjoy my collections unless I can see them. To have piece on top of piece just to have it, doesn't do it for me. I need to be able look over to see appreciate each and every one.
read your post on the hatpin collectors message board and used the links you provided to come see your photos. You have some really nice hatpins and I like the way you have displayed them as well. I love your bright blue enameled hatpins and the light blue sphere. Is that enamel work as well? The butterfly is stunning!
Hi Holly! Yes the sphere is guilloche enamel on sterling with a half pearls ring around.
The bright blue are hinged, guilloche on gilded silver.
thank you for your visit and kind comment :-)
Hat pins as weapons, men are terrorized!
Read there:
Do I see a Charles Horner in there?
Yep David, you have an eagle's eye, there is a C.Horner amethyst thistle!
thank you to the 21 lovely lovers :-)
I like the fact you don't have water it ...very nice
Hehe, Roycroft, me too :-D
thank you and Toni too to join the lovers!
Just Beautiful
Kyra, this is one of the most impressive hat pin collections I've ever seen!! I have several (they go well with my hat trunk collection), but nothing in comparison to this. Very nice!!!
I had no idea hat pins were so cool, they look wonderful displayed this way! Thanks for sharing them.
Judi, thank you for your visit and beautiful comment :-D
Jscott, I was very interested by your post about the cushion in your hat trunk! Having yourself hat pins you can use them in display :-) Thank you for your highly appreciated comment !
Courtenay, many thanks for your nice comment !
"Blued metal pinstems" are pinstems that have been "japanned". These are pinstems that have been dipped in a by-product of coal tmines darken the steel. Usually the japanned pinstems are found on black mourning hatpins. Many of the carded sets of shoe-button hatpins come with the japanned pinstems. If they are found on colored or bright metal hatpins, the pinstem is likely a replacement.
Just fabulous!!
Fantastic collection! My favorite is the skull, "Memento Mori".
Oooh, thank you Anna and Ho2cultcha for joining the 38 former lovers!
Again, thank you all for your lovely visits :-)
They really are beautiful when showed in an extensive collection such as the photos show us !
Thank you so much Phil for enjoying my collection, leaving your nice comment and clicking the love!
Hat pins forever Pascale, most definitely! You have such a tasteful & elegant variety here, the beautiful different shapes & colors are so wonderful - love that colorful butterfly
Wonderful to see this again, and infinitely collected to be the best of the best, this collection does not cease to cause wonder and astonishment to the viewer !~
Jenni, Phil, thank you so much for your wonderful comments and love back to you!