Posted 10 years ago
(5053 items)
This is made of industrial-type porcelain - like a sink or toilet. i thought it was Gladding McBean at first, but no signature. i think i remember these when i was a kid. when we'd go to a fancy restaurant or hotel, there would be something like this near the sink, w/ rolled up, warm towelettes to use after washing your hands. i'm not really sure though. any suggestions appreciated!
Couldn't find exact match for yours but these are coming up under soap dishes;
thank you aghcollect. one of these does mention a 'towelette holder', which i think this piece is. soap does not stay put well on it. it really is heavy and thick like a porcelain toilet bowl.
Hi's a link to one I found that is very much like yours...:-)
Ha, inky beat me to it, looks like Vohann of California to me as well, though a lot of potteries especially in California made them. It is a towel holder as you suspected and there are people who collect these.