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Old Heavy Steel Asian Military Chest

In Military and Wartime > World War Two > Show & Tell and Asian > Japanese Antiques > Show & Tell.
World War Two619 of 1531Wind gauge?Life In The Navy Aboard Ship - 3
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (23 items)

    I recently picked this cool piece up from a the nicest 80 year old Japanese woman. I am now wishing I asked her more questions about this piece, as I do not know what it says, its original use, etc... except that I feel pretty confident that it has something to do with the military.

    This chest is made of heavy industrial steel, and must weigh at least 60 lbs. The front folds down where it looks like there were once drawers inside, and the top also opens up. I love the industrial metal turn latching locks to hold the top down! Two industrial handles on each side, probably because it took two people with both hands to carry these.

    Metal trunk measures 25" long, 14" wide, and 17" tall. I really would love to know how old this piece is (I'm assuming WW2 by the design and look), what it was originally used for, where it came from (most likely Japan), etc.

    Thanks for your help community, and I am glad I got to share my treasure. It's been too long since I last posted something!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 10 years ago
      The writing on the end of it is in English. Box 25 - 25 etc. I doubt it is terribly old or war vintage with that marking. The paint also looks new and undamaged.
    2. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 10 years ago
      Possibly a shipping crate.
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      I think it is Chinese.
    4. frisco frisco, 10 years ago
      Here is a look alike on ebay, as a possible site to pursue.

    5. Quinnsterman Quinnsterman, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your help community! A couple days ago I saw that Camp Haugen is stamped on the back. I did find that this piece does have some history, after a little research (link at the end). Bummer no drawers, but condition wise, my trunk looks much better than the one in the eBay ad. Thanks for the link to the eBay ad. That helped out too! Now I just need a good spot to display this piece!
    6. Quinnsterman Quinnsterman, 10 years ago

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