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Sterling Overlay Art Nouveau Att Steuben Pomona Satin Green Quilted Diamond"Circa 1910-20

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Steuben Glass64 of 131Rare Decorated Steuben Brown Aurene Vase.Steuben Blue Aurene Twist Raised Compote.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (915 items)

    I am very,very Excited to post this Glass vase by Stauben American Glass Co.Attributed Steuben, Pomona Green Quilted Diamond Satin Vase With Sterling Floral Overlay,Art deco Style By La Pierre Mfg Co. New York Marked L Sterling Partially Effaced. Unsigned by Steuben.
    This vase was Enormous, hard to gave is justice on the photo, but believe me this is a Museum piece.The Art Nouveau Sterling Floral Design Is with great detail complimenting The Pomona Green Satin Quilted Glass.
    I will use those pictures for now, but realize, i will take better pictures outside.
    Stand 18 inch tall,on a 5 inch base by 7.50 wide

    Thanks for Viewing.

    ------------------------------Steuben Glass Works---------------------------------

    Steuben Glass Works was an American art glass manufacturer, founded in the summer of 1903 by Frederick Carder and Thomas G. Hawkes in Corning, New York, which is in Steuben County, from which the company name was derived. Hawkes was the owner of the largest cut glass firm then operating in Corning. Carder was an Englishman (born 18 September 1863) who had many years' experience designing glass for Stevens and Williams in England. Hawkes purchased the glass blanks for his cutting shop from many sources and eventually wanted to start a factory to make the blanks himself. Hawkes convinced Carder to come to Corning and manage such a factory. Carder, who had been passed over for promotion at Stevens and Williams, consented to do so.

    In 1918, Steuben was acquired by Corning Glass Works and became the Steuben Division.
    --------------------------Carder period (1903-1932)--------------------------------

    Steuben Glass Works started operation in October 1903. Carder produced blanks for Hawkes and also began producing cut glass himself. Carder's great love was colored glass and had been instrumental in the reintroduction of colored glass while at Stevens and Williams. When Steuben's success at producing blanks for Hawkes became assured, Carder began to experiment with colored glass and continued experiments that were started in England. He soon perfected Gold Aurene which was similar to iridescent art glass that was being produced by Tiffany and others. Gold Aurene was followed by a wide range of colored art glass that eventually was produced in more than 7,000 shapes and 140 colors.

    These are a pair of handblown Steuben gold Aurene glass candlesticks designed by Frederick Carder for the Steuben Glass Works, ca. 1913. (From a private collection)
    Steuben Glass Works continued to produce glass of all sorts until World War I. At that time war time restrictions made it impossible for Steuben to acquire the materials needed to continue manufacture. The company was subsequently sold to Corning Glass Works and became the Steuben Division. Carder continued as Division manager without any real change in the company's operation except that he now had reporting responsibilities to Corning Glass Works' management. Corning's management tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to limit the articles that Steuben made to only the most popular. Production continued until about 1932.

    In 1932 there was a major change in Steuben management. The nationwide depression had limited the sale of Steuben and there was also a lessening of public interest in colored glass. In February 1932, John MacKay was appointed to Carder's position and Carder became Art Director for Corning Glass Works. Steuben then produced primarily colorless art glass.

    Steuben still produced colored art glass mostly to fill special orders. A few new colors were added after Carder lost control of the company, but the last known sale for colored art glass by Steuben was in 1943.

    --------------------------Houghton period (1933-2012)----------------------------

    Corning Glass Works appointed Arthur Houghton, Jr. as President in 1933, and under his leadership Steuben changed artistic direction toward more modern forms. Using a newly formulated clear glass developed by Corning (referred to as 10M) which had a very high refraction index, Steuben designers developed beautiful, fluid designs. Pieces such as Gazelle Bow, designed by Sidney Waugh incorporated Art Deco and modernist themes into glass.

    The themes during this period included "balustrade" designs for water goblets and candlesticks, footed bowls and serving pieces. Decorative forms included wildlife pieces representing owls, penguins and other birds in smooth stylistic forms. Some pieces, such as the Ram's Head Candy Dish, playfully included clean lines crowned by an ornate design (a ram's head, complete with a ruff) on the lid as an homage to its classic earlier pieces.

    The company also entered into the field of larger show and presentation pieces celebrating various scenes (such as its cut-away design featuring an Eskimo ice fisherman above the ice, and the fish below, or the Cathedral Window design) and elements that incorporated etchings. In some cases sterling silver or gold plating were used on metal finish elements such as the golden "fly" atop the nose of a rainbow trout. Each piece is signed simply with Steuben on the underside of the object.

    Toward the 1990s, the company also began production of small objects - "hand coolers" - in various animal shapes.

    Items from this period were also noted for their careful and elegant packaging. Before boxing, each Steuben piece was placed in a silver-gray flannel bag (stitched with the Steuben name), and then placed in a presentation box.

    Courtesy by :

    Steuben Glass
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    Steuben Aurene Floriform Vase - 10
    Steuben Aurene Floriform Vase - 10"...
    Vintage Steuben Glass Works Gold Aurene Iridescent Tumble-Up #3064
    Vintage Steuben Glass Works Gold Au...
    Vtg/Antique STEUBEN 5
    Vtg/Antique STEUBEN 5"x3-1/4" Blue ...
    See all


    1. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks kevin for the love.
      Much appreciated.
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Well it looks like you have arrived in the upper echelon of the glass community I'm a bit jealous but very happy for you. I'm still waiting to score something like this. Gorgeous find my friend ! :)
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Thank you very much for your kind comment and the love.
      I wish you ,,,really to find something that gorgeous mike, i mean it :-)
      You have very beautiful piece as well, the one should jealous is me for sure.
      But, it's about time for me, i have few Kralik as well found recently, THEY ARE ABSOLUTLY Phenomenal piece of Glass work.
      Wisk you will comment them as well.
      Always a pleasure you stop by my post.
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Very Nice Alan!! Did you find these at VV, or SA or Ebay? Stunning pieces!!

      I had not seen you post anything for a few days - so I was wondering where you were...
    5. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks rose for the comment and the love.
      I was on break, The Habs freak me out with the Sen series.....thanks god this is over for this one.
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, EZa





      kevin, for the love.
      Much appreciated.
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Are you a Habs Fan? I was cheering on the Senators....LOL
    8. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    9. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks SEAN for the comment and the love.
      Much appreciated.
    10. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, ozmarty

      LOUMANAL, for the love.
      Much appreciated.
    11. sklo42 sklo42, 10 years ago
      This is really lovely.....yet we see very little Steuben, considering the majority of people here are American.
    12. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Fantastic Alan. Just a gorgeous and special piece of glass!
    13. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      yes sklo42, not Steuben glass not coming out often, I got to say the picture are not that good,.I plan to take better one with natural light from outside.
      Many thanks for your kind comment and love.
      Much appreciated.
    14. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, melaniJ

      lisasround2, for the love, much appreciated.
    15. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, rick for the love, much appreciated.
    16. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, LoetzBuddies

      walksoftly, for the love, much appreciated.
    17. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
    18. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, kivatinitz, for the kind comment and the love, much appreciated.
      Wait to see the news pictures, coming on my next day off, I will take it outside.
      Should be outstanding.
    19. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, vintagelamp, for the love, much appreciated.

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