Posted 10 years ago
(471 items)
I really love these !!
Picked up today for £5. The three... I was told they were Easter island carvings ,
I'm unsure of the age of these figures , the two similar ones look like they're carved from wood similar to oak or may be oak , ones very heavy the other very light in weight ..
The mahogony/ rosewood looking one is very well carved & heavy too
It looks like it was inserted into something else (see the bottom). Maybe a stand or some sort of furniture ???? Or maybr even a ceremonial staff !!
I've been looking all afternoon on the web but have not found the exact match ..
Any ideas???
Thanks for looking , hope you like them :-)
Thank you aghcollect
& mikelv85 for your loves;-) )
Hi! surfdub66 I am pretty sure these don't have anything to with New Zealand....99.9% all Moari carvings are depicted with facial tattoos...the first two do look more like Hawaiian (Maui) carvings and the darker one is definitely not New Zealand....hope this helps..:-)
Thanks inky for that info :-)
I went with NZ cos I found one on the web listed as Maui carving which wasn't tattooed..
I'm sure your right , I was hoping they were tiki gods from the south islands , I can find loads but none like these !!! ????
Thanks Racer4four& trey for your loves :-)
Definitely not a Tiki if you google... Maori New Zealand wood carvings tiki ... You will see what I mean....:-)
Thanks inky , ive googled lots & still haven't found any the same !!
Only one has hands the two similar havn't any arms or hands ..
p.s i knew it wasnt tiki ;-)
Thanks sklo42 for your love :-)
Hi Surf, I can see why you love them. They're very endearing. Good luck in your search, they're most unusual, someone here might recognise them
Thank you Vintagefran for your love & kind comments :-)
i really do hope someone on here recognises them , ive been searching til i nod off;-) zzzzzzzzz lol
Thanks Rick55 for your love :-)
I know all about those research naps, lol. :)
Well I took a long look around and couldn't find anything. These are unusual, it's one of those times you wish an expert would drop out of the sky and tell you which way to go. I'd almost lean toward fantasy pieces with that combination of features, but who knows, could be some primitive god of some sort.
Thanks Katherinescollections for your love & kind comments :-)
im still searching but nothing yet, many thanks for your time & effort looking;-)
It would be nice to think theyre some sort of gods ..
First two are Monkey Pod wood.
Many thanks TubeAmp for the wood i-d , ive heard of monkey pod wood & will look up where it grows in the world ;-) cheers
Happy to help.
Leave it to T A to be exact! And you might want to get a bumper for your computer! That way you won't bruise your head...hahaha (I've done the same more than I'd like to say)
LOL ???? Shareurpassion...
Thanks also shareurpassion for your love :-}