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Fountain Service sign ( a real one )

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CokeKid-04's loves682 of 876Coke Cooler Sign w/Arrow1950's Cragstan  Coca Cola friction toy trucks!
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (12 items)

    I saw coke1234's post. I got this sign in 1972 off the side of a old brick building in a real small town in Idaho. Can't remember the name. I was on my honeymoon headed for Yellowstone. I knocked on the door to find the owner of the building and was told where he lived. I told him I was interested in the sign and if he wanted to sell it. He told me he wanted that sign off the building for years and if I took it down I could have it. I told him I didn't have a ladder. He told me to go down to the High School and tell the janitor to loan me a ladder. That's how I got this sign. Notice the original porcelain brackets. It has a couple of rock chips. I know when I was a kid we threw rocks at signs. One more thing. When I was pulling the sign away from the building, a bate came flying out. It scared me so bad I almost fell off the ladder. Sign was made in 1933.

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    1. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      That's the real deal and check out the size. You got a super nice Bargain there. Looks great in your garage.
    2. Edisonfan Edisonfan, 10 years ago
      Great story, this was not made in India. Nice find, if you don't mind, how much did you pay in 1972?
    3. CokemanHal CokemanHal, 10 years ago
      He gave it to me for taking it down.
    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 10 years ago
      Those were the days.
    5. DaveSierra DaveSierra, 10 years ago
      Great sign and and even greater story! Thanks for sharing both!!

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