Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Aluminum Fishing Float found in Galveston, Texas on June 1, 2013. It was manufactured in La Coruna, Spain and manufacture date is around 1901. It is the size if a bowling ball. The Tower of Hercules Lighthouse on the float is the oldest lighthouse in the world.
Cool float ! I wonder if it came off the net & floated out of the med , across the atlantic to the usa to be picked up on a beach somewhere !!
A nice thought !!
I have the same buoy, although the markings are more faded. Could you advise how you were able to establish the year of manufacture and what you sold the buoy for?
I fashioned a table lamp with the float which I found in Essex in the UK.
was looking to see when they first started making Aluminum lol who knew its used in bobber...