Posted 10 years ago
(943 items)
While chasing off to Wyoming to pick up a very cool sign we had purchased over the phone several weeks ago, we took a few "side trips", and found this nice tall pump proudly standing in a farmers front yard. We found it by visiting with the postmistress in the tiny Wy town where it was originally in front of the little Country store. The nice little lady running the post office even gave us a picture of the pump as it originally stood in front of the store including a beautiful Sinclair HC shepherd hook porcelain sign. Sure wish we could have located that old sign! The lady told us that years ago the store quit selling gas when the EPA put pressure on them and dug up the tanks and took this pump to the dump. Old man Merritt found the pump at the dump and took it home & put it where it stands today. He has since died and it now stands as a family memorial to him, but is still in use today. I sure wish I would have taken a pix of the post mistress as that was a sight beyond description with that little old lady all huddled up in her wool sweaters and heavy coat sitting behind the little antique roll top desk in the Antiquated post office. What a sight! The Fun is in the Hunt!
Great story! Thanks for sharing.....
Awesome story:) I love hearing the history of these treasures it makes them that more awesome!!