Posted 10 years ago
(227 items)
Though not nearly as nice as the set I found about 3 months prior, I was very happy to find this while hitting a few yard sales today! I think it's a card holder or so I was told. It's quite little - 3" x 2 3/4". If my roommate is able, I will find time in the next few days to be brave & post myself wearing some vintage clothes I have Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am now, though Friday I experienced my first ever earthquake. although it was 200 miles away in Caliente, my house got a good shaking for about 12 seconds. I can't imagine what the real thing must be like!
Where do you live, SpunkysMom? I was in the area and felt nothing! Under 4 doesn't do anything for me, lol. :)
I live near Sunrise Mountain
How about you, Katherine?
I have no idea where Sunrise Mountain is, lol. I'm in SoCal. :)
I'm sorry, I thought you were here in Vegas! I'm sure that you would not have noticed at all as you must be a pro living in California! You are far more brave then I!
I love this Japanese lustreware!
thanks vetraio & racer! I like the lusterware also
This is quite nice in every respect...shape, design and colors :)
Thanks, Mike!
Love this little gem.
And trust that living in So Cal in no way makes you a pro at those darn earthquakes! Been here all my life and they scare the you know what out of ya! (I think twisters are worse).