Posted 10 years ago
(807 items)
I found this today for a few dollars, I think it is kind of cool. I think it is all in oak, but I am not sure. The sheath is matching, in two pieces held together by braided leather and some rope. As you can see the blade is quite corroded.....anyone have any suggestions how to stop it from getting worse? Could I use some crisco or some type of oil on it? Thanks all !!!
wow!! bro you al;)ways find some unique things !!!
hey sean, whats up? thanks man. I live in a pretty good area...central nj. not the best for antiques but still quite good. Lately I have been going to some different places....not many good estate sales this year. Okay to you later! Thanks sergey violet, agh and sean!!!
Unique indeed. A wooden sheath! It's fantastic
Nice Find! The first thing I would do is tape off the handle, use either steel wool, or a scotch brite pad, and WD-40 to clean the blade. This will tell you just how bad the rust is, be it superficial, or pitted. If it is only superficial, rub it with any oil, and wrap a cloth around it to keep it moist for awhile.
Now this I can help with for once start with soapy steel wool or wet & dry then hit it with gum oil that should do the trick my partner collects blades just make sure the wet & dry is wet I know that sounds silly but I have just been informed it can be used dry also same as the steel wool as it will other wise scratch the blade. The handle reminds me of a fish tail. Good score