Posted 10 years ago
(915 items)
While traveling to Lake Powell on Highway 89 we pass this old abandoned Texaco sign pole/frame and hardly notice it anymore. Unless, that is, we are Sign Hunting! It gets pretty frustrating when we find stuff like this out in the middle of "nowhere" and there aren't any neighbors anywhere in sight to even inquire about ownership. I guess that is why it is still standing where it is? I would really be distressed if I had the five sided Texaco sign that fit it and needed the pole, I dont, so I can still sleep at night just knowing its out there. The Fun was Finding it anyway!
I hate that, the only other way is to do a property search at the courthouse to track down the owner.
Right. The problem we often find is lack of time and long distances to County Seat. Usually when we find this stuff we are in a trip somewhere & have timelines & can't spend the hours it sometimes takes to find who the property owners are. Those things we just make a recod of and try and get to them on a future trip. Lucky for us that pumps are still plentiful so we don't have to work too hard to buy the ones we want. So far we haven't ever found a Really rare pump out in the wild except for some Wayne 60s. Even they aren't rare, but are very desireable so we buy every one we can.