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English or Bohemian Applied Glass Vaseline Large Bowl

In Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell and Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Vaseline Glass506 of 845English or Bohemian Applied Glass Handle Large Vaseline BowlMy first pieces..
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (122 items)

    Hello, this is a interesting Vaseline bowl which has a lot going on. First off the Hand Applied Glass Threaded Top, along with the Hand Applied Feet add a lot of character. The main body of the bowl is bulbous and was made with more bone ash giving it a more opal appearance than both the applied glass at the top and base. This bowl also has a rough pontil that has no polish. I believe this bowl is ether English or Bohemian, I know though it is very interesting and very old. This bowl measures 6 inches across, and 5 inches tall. if anyone has any comments or information please feel free to post them! Thanks for looking!

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      It has everything going on.
    2. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 10 years ago
      Thanks Fortapache, this piece really is very interesting! Thanks everyone for the Loves!
    3. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the feedback everyone! if anyone has any suggestion on maker or age, they are welcome.

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