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brass skeleton fly reel

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Fly Fishing Reels15 of 18fly reelTwo Julius vom Hofe Fly Reels
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (42 items)

    This is a brass skeleton fly reel,most early reels that you find are metal and rusted beyond repair,this one works ok,the handle is missing though.There's no name on it,if anyone has a clue as to who made it I would appreciate hearing from you.

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    1. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      I have a reel just like this. Its fun to use too.
    2. beau5278 beau5278, 14 years ago
      I'd try this one if I could find a way to replace the missing handle,I have a nice Horrocks- Ibbotson 7' Tonka Princess 4 1/2 weight bamboo rod that it would look real good on.
    3. Ken Williamson, 14 years ago
      I have the same reel also. My reel has the number 60 stamped in to it.
      It also has the name Pflueger then a trade mark of a bull dog then the model
      name Progress. My reel has the handle---
      So what is it worth---The pflueger vintage web page only goes back to 1935
      and the first fly reel number is in the thousands.

    4. Donna Baremore, 14 years ago
      I have one too, it was my dad's (and maybe his dad's before that). It is just as Ken Williamson described with the handle, but with an 80 stamped on the bottom. I plan to give this to my son and would like to be able to give him more info--like the date, value, etc.
    5. reelnut, 13 years ago
      Take a look at D. B. Homel, Antique Fly Reels - A History & Value Guide (Forest Park Pubs, Bellingham, Washington) page 39. He pictures what appears to be the exact same reel -- notice the distinctive ventilation and riveting of pillars holding reel feet. He IDs it as a Winchester Armax of ca. 1925. However, your reel is not nickel-plated and seems to be larger. Not a genius with photographic memory -- just happened to be reading his book.

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