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Carter in the Wild

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (950 items)

    What a great day of sign/Pump chasing! I got a call the other day from a friend in Idaho telling me that he found a couple of NOS signs we might be interested in so we made arrangements to "run up there" today. Because we we're going so far I made arrangements to check out a couple of other places where I thought they might have items for the Museum at aaaLakeside Storage. We found the NOS Chevron signs just like they were described and the price was very fair so we bought them. Surprise! We also bought a cool 1948 little Cub International farm tractor. My wife will love my explanation on why "I need a tractor". Then we went hunting for pumps and more signs and actually found about 8 nice elect pumps in our searching and two visibles, but had no luck in buying any of them. Then it was off to meet the guy farther up North that had the 1919 Browning 30 cal machine gun for our recentely purchased Half Track. On the way we passed an Indian Reservation and happen to pass an old abandoned Garage that had this nice old porcelain Carter strip sign on it. As you can see the Carter Logos were whited out with paint many years ago but the paint is coming off. Since we have 3 big 5'x7' Carter signs on poles at the Museum we decided to search for the owner of the old abandoned auto repair shop. That was an amazing chase all by itself. While looking for Mr. Eagle, the sign and garage owner, we happened to find a guy with a very cool Hotel fire alarm box and an RC Cola gas station thermometer. After a lot of chasing we found the described property where all the old abandoned junk cars were supposed to be along with three old single wide trailers. As luck would have it the gate was locked and the trailers all looked abandoned. Especially the one that looked like someone took target practice on the end of it with a hatchet. Bad temper or what? We then began asking neighbors and finally found one who was obviously freshly out of the shower in his bright red silk Boxers but who promptly called Mr Eagle for us and we soon met with him in out in front of the trailer that we were confident was not inhabitable. He was at home in the trailer all along. We soon made our deal and quickly went and removed the sign from the building finding it to be in absolutely mint condition. Wow! The Fun was really in the Hunt today! I love days like this!

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      And the saga continues! Hey, if you need help, I don't eat much.
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      You can't tell it by looking at me but I don't eat much of anything either when we're out hunting signs and gas pumps. Too busy driving and looking! Besides you live off in the Pirate world of the Carribean and our silly chases pale in comparison to your hunts for "Pieces of Eight"and old muskets, gold, silver, and scrimshaw ivory left behind by the old guys in your neighborhood.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      A button here, a cannon there. LOL!!! Maybe an old hook anchor on the side.
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      You can't tell it by looking at me but I don't eat much of anything either when we're out hunting signs and gas pumps. Too busy driving and looking! Besides you live off in the Pirate world of the Carribean and our silly chases pale in comparison to your hunts for "Pieces of Eight"and old muskets, gold, silver, and scrimshaw ivory left behind by the old guys in your neighborhood.
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Not just left by the "old guys" Rattle! We might not have sword bearing pirates but worse probably. Ak's & Mac 10's instead of muskets & cannons. Money laundering so easy an idiot could do it, human smuggling, drugs etc.. I wouldn't doubt it if SXM was in the top 10 nuclear targets for the U.S.! LOL!! Like in the old days, we just ignore it & go about our own lives while the U.S. agents live it up in the expensive hotels & bars while you pay their bill. The agents don't want to know that what they are supposed to be looking for isn't happening at the Westin's bar! They might get hurt if they try to do their jobs (good chance)!! LOL! I've watched this game for over 40 yrs. & it never changes! Well, I don't pay taxes up there, so I'm not paying for their perpetual vacations. Our salt air eats most anything here except brass/bronze & maybe cast or wrought iron(not so much), so findings are hard to locate (especially with all the beer bottle caps & foil) on the beaches etc.. Your idea is probably better. A bientot.

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