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Confused Colorful Goat

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (7 items)

    Not 100% sure of material its made of... the highest point is 14 inches tall. The colors are so very bright. The inside is hallow. I found it an an antique shop and have no other information on it. And can not find anything like it online either. The painting on the piece does look like that of , Diego Rivera..

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      In my opinion, the painting on it looks like a well known painter from Mexico and I can not seem to pin point the name at the moment. Ortega? I'll keep trying and hopefully come back with the correct name. Interesting piece.
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Diego Rivera!
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      I somehow remembered the name I associated with the painting (?) here and then came up with this site, you can see why...

      Scroll to the bottom and scroll thru his artwork. Now exactly what you have there, I don't know. Could be a transfer or, lucky you to have an original piece of work of his. May not even be his. I do not know, but would love to find out. Good luck!
    4. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      Very interesting -shareurpassion-, I shall look more into the cow now. Thank you!
    5. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      I can't find a number or a signature... would one or the other be set in amongest the design and cant be seen easily?
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      I really couldn't say...I wish I could be there and help you find it!!! I personally would take a large towel, set it outside under a tree or something and sit down with this cow and search with diligence. Have you seen the website? His family may run a gallery, I have not looked for that but you might want to check that and then contact them about this piece. I honestly don't know that this was done by him, like I said but that is definitely looks like his artwork from here. (I can't say that enough because I am no expert and think you'd be best to check it out thoroughly) Where are you located?
    7. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      If here in the states, there are places you can go that surely would be able to valuate that for you...I'm sure anywhere you are you will be able to find someone reputable!
    8. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Here is some more info for you to read up on...alebrijes

      I did not know Diego Rivera was married to Frida Kahlo! What a team!

    9. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      Yes I read about him and Frida.. I am in Northern Ontario.. in the middle of *&^% #$@( no where.. lmao... right now it sits on a table in the corner amongest all my packed boxes, as I am moving this coming Monday.. once I am settled I will take all the time needed to sit among the dandilions and look for a number or any kind of markings.....But yes....the floral and even the ladies hair si done like his work... amazing.. I am excited about it.
    10. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      I found a painting.. that is exact to one side of the cow by Diego Rivera..

      Painting And Passion: Frida And Diego Come To The NSU Art Museum ... × 1494-Search by image
      Diego Rivera's "Girasoles" (Sunflowers)
    11. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      So, the paintings on the cow are the work of Diego, but are they just prints or his actual work on this wooden (teak?) hallowed out cow??
    12. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      I sent the pictures to the..
    13. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Awesome! Good luck on this, I hope it's what I would want it to be ;)

      After you are settled and find out, I'd love to hear the results!
    14. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      after looking more closely.. it is a goat.not a cow.. lol.. .. I got 2 response, which don't believe he used this medium.. going to keep looking
    15. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      I am still waiting for more responses for auctions houses, from Mexico to England and New York.
    16. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      I hope your move went well...

      I do see the goat now, only from the side. From the front I can see how you would think it to be a cow. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in his early years that he did or would have used this type of medium. I'm curious to know what the others have to say. Guess we'll have to wait to see.
    17. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 10 years ago
      I searched the entire piece with a magnifying glass and come upon on the bottom what looks like a F R I letters.. then I realized, could this be Frida's artwork, wife of Diego?????..Is it a tobacco keeper, she made for him?? as it is hollow.. Hmmm.. I have been searching her artwork and she did work with this medium.
      What do you think????
    18. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      An arts dealer in Mexico finds this piece very unique and wants to know more about it. I will give her all the info I know, plus keep searching and knocking on doors. :)
    19. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Update.. currently I have sent email to Antique Roadshow art specialist Wes Cowan for any info he may want to share... wish me luck. :)
    20. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      Luck ...
    21. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Thank you Eye! :)
    22. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      You are very welcome ... Maybe the painting is telling the story ...
    23. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Yes, it is by Diego Rivera.. but I can't find the piece it is painted on.. :(
    24. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      I meant the theme ...
    25. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Oh yes.. I should try to find a read up on it.. quite interesting picture :)
    26. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      Here it is ... Sunflowers
    27. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Thank you! :)
    28. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      Oh, finally I read your entire post ... Lol .. You already knew that ..
    29. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      lmao.. yes. :)
    30. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      Ok ... Well ... Good luck :)
    31. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Thank you again Eye.. lol... I appreciate the chat with you.. any input is great input. :)
    32. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 9 years ago
      Heard from Wes Cowan..

      Thank you for contacting us regarding your piece. It is really a wonderful and unique piece of Mexican folk art. I hope you find that it is authentic.

      Unfortunately, we deal very little in this kind of art, and would really not have the expertise to determine it authenticity, especially without seeing it in person. I think you are on the right track contacting Sotheby's or Christie's, who likely have Central American art specialists, or more importantly, the regional museums, who would be the real authorities on Rivera's work.

      I apologize that we could not be of greater help. But we wish you all the best, and hope you find the information you are looking for!

      Best wishes,
    33. antiquesnowy antiquesnowy, 8 years ago
      Tis the season! To get back to researching this goat.. still have not found where it originated from.... exciting, yet bewildered.. lol..

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