Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
It was raining off and on yesterday so we finally put the Wayne 492 Roman Column together enough to display her. Obviously she still lacks the hose and globe, but we just couldn't wait to put her out in the aaaLakeside Storage open Museum. People say we're nuts for putting all this cool stuff out in the open, but we think that's where it was designed to be and more people can enjoy the memories of yesteryear if it's easier to see. It also reminds everyone of the days when people didn't steal everything that wasn't anchored down. We hope parents and grandparents will teach their kids about those "good ol Days" of honesty, integrity, and hard work. Having this open museum right out on the Main Street in Provo gives us all a sense of pride & comfort of security. We love all this old stuff and Love the Thrill of the Hunt! Keep on Hunting!
Very cool pump:) got $1,000's of dollars there so hope you have cameras all around there and parking lot too. What about vandals shooting them up?? No only bad guys to worry about in these times. Ya know--we live in the west that is still kinda wild in wolly. You in Utah and myself in Arizona with bandidios on the prowl. I put my old toilet out for the garbage van around at 5.00 p.m. for morning pick up...--and it was stolen as soon as the moon came out. Go figure.
Wow! What else can you say...... Wow!!!!
How un-civic minded! Just think of all the security, lock makers etc. etc. you would put out of business if you eliminated thieves! My diversified experience in life shows that I would rather have a murder around me than a thief unless the thief killed to keep from being caught stealing. Sorry state of affairs but proven reliable. I put our garbage in the back of our truck once in Jamaica & later stopped to put it in a dumpster only to find that it had been stolen! LOL!!! No end to surprises in life (well, mine anyway!).
Ahhhh yes! Once again the voice of experience launches previously hidden treasures of wisdom. We have a few little "tricks" of our own to protect the museum among which are electrified fences 12' tall, cameras, electric computerized gates, 6 full time resident managers, and a few other secrets to discourage would be thieves. We are adding razor wire to the entry gates this week but hate the looks of it.
Just think of the money you waste because of thieves. In my opinion, there is only one justification for stealing. Food! All others should be killed! Harsh sentence, but that's the way I see things.
While on a ride with our married daughter & kids she showed us a nearby market where there was a shooting last week! Big deal in our town! A thief had stolen a car & must have run it out of gas because he pulled into the Market parking lot and was pulling a woman out of her car to steal it. She was screaming & a nearby man went to her rescue. The thief then went after him only to find that he, like me, was licensed to carry a weapon and shot the thief who was assaulting the woman and attempting to assault him. If the good guys are armed the bad guy population will diminish quickly or they will stop being bad guys. That's another view of "freedom of choice"
When the gun control hysteria hit some yrs, ago, the town of Kennesaw, GA passed a law that all households are required to have a gun & people trained to use them. Their report was that crime dropped by "400%" ( which I assume means 1/4 of the previous). I stopped in a truck stop in AR once & noticed that all the attendants had pistols on their hips. I stretched my legs and commented, "By the guns, I guess you have trouble with robberies?" The attendant said, "We don't". Ask a stupid question ----!
I have thought of getting a gun but all who know me said the same thing, "they will slap it out of your hand and shoot you with it". Maybe too old now...I can still run like hell and that may be the best solution for me.
Post Card, the 1st & only time I got shot, it was simply because I hesitated & they fired 1st. That was a quick lesson accented with a hell of a lot of pain. The 1st time pulling the trigger, you freeze & don't. If you get lucky like it did, you learn to instinctively to pull the trigger as soon as you are sure of your target! Hesitation gets you killed! Never ever extent your weapon toward your assailant as people are prone to do. Practice makes perfect! Hopefully you don't visit places like I have, but never think it will not happen to you. That's when it will!
I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too...a guy was breaking in my door, I kicked it real hard and emitted a wierd sound, he ran--I OPENED the door and went after him, picked up a rock and got him on the ankle---He freaked and tried to run faster. My neighbor called the police and they got him limping on the main drag a couple blocks up. (STILL hobbling!!) No one could believe I actually went after the guy, I am 5 foot 2, 115 lbs and he was huge! I am a Swede and that Viking stuff came all the way out that night! I am a real good shot with a rock!
Any person dumb enough to mess with Post Card Collector deserves to have a bad limp! Ouch!
Big biceps from lifting huge boxes of postcards. I think the guy was planning to use the rock on me--- he must have dropped it when I startled him. I don't recall ever seeing it before , I scooped it up quickly and it found its mark. Lucky shot??
do you have big biceps? ;-) .. LOL!!!
Yeah! I am always showing them off in the neighborhood The Right can really sock somebody. My 19 yr. old grandson is afraid of me!! . For laughs...Hard as rocks, and I am so little. I am constantly finding I need to lift heavy stuff here and do all the yardwork. I divorced at 30 and never remarried--so can do about anything.That feels really good!
I bet you can :) heehee :) awesome !!!! I bet it does feel great :) heehee :)
U have the greatest Sheriff in America living in Arizona who dresses criminals in pink & makes them work in jail & u have tough, big biceps Viking women who are crack shots with rocks in self defense all in the same State! When people read about this they will begin flocking to AZ for safety! Not sure of Postcards age, but heard that the Chicago Cubs are seeking an interview with her for a relief pitcher.
Probably like you PostCard, I am looking for that truly meaningful, - one nite relationship. LOL! Today is fathers day & the island is in mass confusion! It's midnite, -- do you know where your kids are? If I don't know who they are, how the hell am I supposed to know where they are?! LOL!!
I LOVE SHERIFF JOE!! The inmates here--in their tent city (115 degrees, but they have swamp coolers and fans and drinks) like him too. He IS a popular guy!! He also has a horse posses in shopping malls at Christmas made to discourage robberies and car thefts. These are civic minded senior citizans. He has a part of the jail devoted to Joe's "Cat House" the inmates take care of strays from the overflow at the Animal Shelter--The cats are pampered and the big tough guys are making meaning ful relationships with the kittys. I will vote for Joe as long as he runs. He is way up there in age. He is beloved here, except for the Mexican folks. It is said he discriminates and runs them back to Mexico. He does stop the cars of suspected illegals and gets them back. When paperwork is passed (no criminals allowed) they can then apply for citizinship after taking classes. I think that is fair.Blunderbuss , one nighters---Never did that. I seem to be happy and busy all the time. I'd rather play on Collectors Weekly!!
Hey PostCard, try it, you'll like it!!LOL! I usually get stuck with them for 3 mos. thru 7 yrs. They are all screwed up, - just a matter of seniority! Dropped Jacky yesterday because she took my truck to go drinking & when I found her, I took the keys when she refused to leave. Now, according to her, our breakup is my fault! Still waiting on a sane answer to that reasoning? Anybody want to explain that reasoning to me? LOL!!!
I e been married to my girlfriend for 51 yrs and she tolerates my OCD hobbies, is a great wife and awesome mom to our 8 kids & 19 grandkids. I love America and all the good things it stands for and appreciate officials, like Sheriff Joe, who seem to understand the Constitution and try and keep people civil to each other. I love old signs, gas pumps and cars, as they remind me of the days when Americans tried to build things of quality and to make them last. I loved the days of use it, repair ir, and keep using it until it is totally hopeless. With the advent of disposable diapers we became a "disposable Nation" and we now built disposable everything, including spouses, kids, and families. Let's go back to the Good Ol Days of fixing it and keeping things working till we all die. We can all do a little better and I'm gonna try a little harder myself.
Something is broken in Jacky's head & don't think it can be repaired. You made a point that I am considering as she was born in the disposable age. LOL!
Not sure who Jackie is but since she comes from the days of well made and repairable stuff, we need to find the bailing wire and paint and make the necessary repairs to restore her to "like new" condition just like we do as we restore beautiful old Gas Pumps like this Roman Column. It was stripped, sand blasted, oiled, repaired, new original glass cylinder & a few parts replaced, and is in process of being properly painted with new hose & fittings. We can do similar things with these old worn out carcasses we have & make them work for a good long time.
Keep on Fixin!
Your collection is quite impressive... I think I should like to drive up to your garage someday and get the complete "nostalgia hit" .... thanks for letting us see your passion...
She is from the disposable era!
We love visitors and get lots of them. It is amazing how many people love the same old stuff that we learned to love those many years ago. Even young people who were never part of the days of cheap gas and porcelain signs seem to love to come and visit the Free Museum. I'm amazed when I see little kids asking their moms/dads who the guy in the "box" (phone booth) is and why he's in there? They have no idea who "Clark Kent" even is or what a phone booth is as this is the o key one they've ever seen! That'll age you in a hurry!
Rattletrap, are you trying to scare us away? I for one, certainly don't need aging! Maybe you should have one day a week for only people over 50. LO!!
Hmmmmm? Hopefully you have an idea who Clark Kent is and know that he changed clothes in a phone booth to become Superman. If not, then you really need to pay us a visit at the Lakeside Storage Museum & we will show you around and let you meet Clark in person. We might even clean the cobwebs off of his briefcase.
It's said, "You are only as old as you feel". Some mornings, that's a scary thought! LOL!!