Posted 10 years ago
(466 items)
I think this is an orrefors glass ribbed vase from around 1938 ish !!
I found the exact one on the Orrefors website the ribs internally & smooth outside !!
This is in A1 condition with only minor scratching to the base from all those years of use, its 7" h x 4" ish round and very heavy , and looks awesome with light shining through it!
It has a slight yellowy tinge to the colour and has a polished pontil similar to whitefriars glass (which is what I thought it was when I found it ..)
Thanks for looking :-)
Thanks to vetraio for letting me know that this isn't orrefors !!
I am now looking elsewhere for the makers :-)
If it's Orrefors it will be marked. A few factories did optic cases .... Leerdam, Holmegaard and others too. It might even be English.
Thanks vetraio for your love and cool comments,
There aren't any marks whatsoever , I thought it may of had a label that came off!!
Thanks for the info.. Sd
Thanks Ho2culcha
& racer4four for your loves- :-)
Thanks for your loves-
& Rick55 :-))
Thanks Trey for your love:-)
Thanks Ted_Straub for your love :-)
Thanks gargoylecollector for your love :-))
You can get polishing kits on eBay, but it's a laborious process to re-polish the inside a of vase. You can get someone to do it, but it costs about £20 with VAT. The answer is, use it.
Whitefriars did do this pattern but not in this shape. I don't know who did it.
Many Thanks lovedecanters for your love & kind comments :-)