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Arts & Crafts ceramics of galleons by de Morgan, Foley and Pilkington

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (117 items)

    Scenes of sailing ships are common on all forms of Arts & Crafts pieces, from jewelry to decorative items.

    I read somewhere (can't remember where) that these images of "craft" are an insiders' reference to the craft involved in making Arts & Crafts movement pieces.

    The first item is a William de Morgan galleon tile, 6in x 6in, stamped with the Sands End Pottery Fulham mark around a Tudor rose (1888 - 1898).

    Second is a Foley Intarsio vase, 7.25in high, design number 3198, pre-1900, I've never seen this pattern anywhere else.

    Finally a Pilkington tube lined tile panel with three galleon tiles and rectangular tile borders, in their original mahogany frame. Each galleon tile is 6in square, and the framed panel is 24in x 12in. I've never taken these out of the frame to check their back stamps, but have seen the same tiles a few times on-line, apparently this series was designed by C F A Voysey. They date to the 1900 - 1905 period.

    These are the only pieces I own of de Morgan, Foley Intarsio, and Pilkington. Sure wish I had a lot more of each, but I feel honored to own these ones, they make a nice little group and can keep each other company until I find more.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      Oh Dear .... WHAT A THREESOME !!!!
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Interesting information about "craft." :)
    3. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 10 years ago
      Awesome collection of galleons Paul. I have a bit of a soft spot for them as well. I've seen that middle tile attributed to Voysey as well. I've got a few tile/pilkingtons books. Next time I have a look I'll see if they are in any (although you probably have plenty of books as well.

      Got any bats?
    4. kiwipaul kiwipaul, 10 years ago
      Hey Jewels, no more Voysey, and no more tiles, apart from a ceramic tile faced Aesthetic Movement clock.

      However this post prompted a memory of some ones that got away, I found the pics and posted them over here:
    5. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 10 years ago
      Oh yes Paul. Those tiles are lovely. I've always loved tiles from the arts & crafts + nouveau movement. I used to buy them regularly but like so many things I don't seem to come across them much anymore.
    6. filmnet filmnet, 10 years ago
      Really great
    7. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      LUV'em ... I recently picked up a lovely little tile that would fit right in with these ..
      will take a photo
      Vet was there when I bought it ... : )

    8. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      This is the little tile 4 " square the back ground is a more of a cream colour .. just did a quick shot indoors .. too gold and dark out side
    9. kiwipaul kiwipaul, 10 years ago
      hey Marty, Cool tile, its pretty cold and dark here too!
    10. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      I love your ships!!!!!

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