Posted 10 years ago
(3472 items)
Another of my June Rose Bowl finds. An 8" x 10" framed photo of a fighter plane firing rockets towards a river. Not sure if it is vintage or repro but came with the frame so it was a good buy.
Looks like a P-51 Mustang to me and hmmm that means it could possibly be Korean War. More likely WWII but hard to say unless someone recognizes the river. Anyway a WWII plane.
It is in the Hall of Arms and Armor and there was a blank spot waiting for it.
Last photo is my Rose Bowl haul although the GI Joe footlocker with goodies is on top of the radio and missed the photo.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you Roycroft and Sean.
Mustang with rockets = yikes !!! Great Pic!!!
Thank kindly paulmartin.
Great picture and a fine collection.
Thank you very much Caperkid.