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Longford (New Home) Sewing Machine

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (8 items)

    This is a run-of-the-mill 'badged' new home sewing machine and i have seen many others with the same decals. im not sure of the model of this machine as there are a few that look like this, maybe a climax? and i dont no the age maybe early 1900s? it has had a motor added and runs very well. the bed is larger that a singer 28 but smaller than a singer 27 and it seems to be a high arm model. if anybody knows the model or age please let me know also if anybody knows what longford is/was let me know. i am in the UK so i assume this machine was made for the UK market but cant find out what the longford stands for. also the serial number on the slide plate is very low at just 179.

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Sounds like you know about them so I'm thinking you may know that there are a few sites with a lot of info. I copied a link for you that you may want to check out anyway. I didn't read up on it myself but thought you might like it.

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