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Gouda PZH Moorish Lamp Base, 1924, decorated by Maria Nieuwenhuisen

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (117 items)

    I get withdrawals when I haven't found any treasure for a while (more than a week will set me shivering).

    So when my wife told me she'd seen a new vintage shop open in a local shopping center I raced down there. Newly opened shops are fab, because owners bring in their treasures to kick off the shop.

    This was waiting for me, a 33cm (13in) high Gouda Lampbase by PZH in the Moorish decor, decorated by Maria Nieuwenhuisen, and dating to 1924. I had to peel back the green felt on the base to see the marks, but no doubting what it was.

    The design grabbed me. It looks like peacock feathers descending, but look again and see tree roots and trunks going up to branches and foliage. Highly stylized, great colors, cool!

    The 1924 date mark puts it right at the transition from Arts & Crafts to Art Deco. Now to find the right shade for it!

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    1. Bluboi Bluboi, 10 years ago
      What a wonderful wife! You are so lucky to have actual shops to go to -- my area has almost nothing.
    2. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      I too get the DT's when new treasureless for a while .. this is lovely.
      It is so difficult to get that right shade .. for that special piece .
    3. artislove artislove, 10 years ago
      they made a lot in gouda,but this is definitely one of the better pieces,lovely find!!!

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