Posted 10 years ago
(19 items)
This is another Athearn engine that was custom painted in the Soo Line Bandit scheme. Essentially its still Milwaukee Road paint with the Milwaukee Road name painted over with black paint and SOO stencils. This is pretty nicely detailed with the all weather windows on the cab, rotary beacon and MU hoses. I still need to weather it. In real life, over the years the black paint patches wear off too almost nothing and Milwaukee Road name is clearly visible on some bandits. This one I'm going to have to scrape a lot of the black paint off to look like it does now in recent times. Soo 2032 was built in January 1967 for the Milwaukee as their #159, then renumbered to 2032 in the SOO/Milwaukee merger in 1985 where it became SOO 2032.
I'm in the process of building a layout that is set in the twin ports of Duluth MN and Superior WI. I can't decide if I'm going to model the modern BNSF or the early 70s BN. Most of my equipment is modern era, but the twin ports had a lot more things to model from the early 70s such as roundhouses, yard offices. towers, etc... I'm not really sure which direction to go yet. Thank you for your interest!