Posted 10 years ago
(30 items)
Early 60's Garton/Dr. Pepper promo (rather rare) delivery trike box. Found at a garage sale of a former Garton employee. Bought the box as shown...with all the stuff inside. Hoping to locate the correct trike this goes with. (The employee explained this particular box was an over-run on the product and he brought it home to use in his garage)
Here's the trike - says 1950's
This one looks a little different;
Excellent example of the correct trike, this style trike was introduced in/about 1950, the DP promo was an early 60's grocery store give away (as told to me by the ex employee). Wish I had met that particular employee earlier as he had had numerous original decals and parts for various Garton toys from when it closed. Appreciate the link!