Posted 10 years ago
(950 items)
We bought this cute little 1948 semi restored tractor because I just couldn't refuse when I saw it sitting out in the farmers field in a 3' stand of unmowed wheat. Those 4 new tires caught my eye almost immediately & we paid less for the running tractor than the tires cost. Of course we didn't have our trailer with us so had to make a separate trip all the way to Idaho to get the little guy, but we found a few other things along the way so it was worthwhile. Once we got the cute little tractor home and began looking for a good spot to display it at the aaaLakeside Storage Museum we saw that we just don't have the right place for it!!! Rats!!! My wife warned me that we would eventually run out of room and, once again, she was right. I hate it when that happens. So here I sit with mud on my face once more & a spare tractor in the lot. I just have to remember that the fun was in the hunt!
I had one just like it only mine was a 1950 vintage. I mowed our lawn for 8 years with it until it finally died. It left me with a lot of good memories and served me well.
I had one just like it only mine was a 1950 vintage. I mowed our lawn for 8 years with it until it finally died. It left me with a lot of good memories and served me well.
I also have about the same vintage od Ferguson tractor that I bought to mow fields with and till a big garden. Dreamer I was once again! I never got to the garden and planted roads & out door parking wher I used to mow so the Ferg sits out in front of aaaLakeside Storagecas another piece of "yard art". Now you might ask why I bought the cub if I already had the Ferg? My wife had that question already. Answer: dumb move