Posted 10 years ago
(950 items)
We thought that putting the Carter Service below the Carter Gas sign would be an easy way to display this new Strip sign we found up in Idaho at the Ft Hall Bannock Reservation. This is the mint sign we spotted on an old abandoned Service Station the was quite a treasure hunt to finally purchase. When we first spotted it we stopped and asked a nearby Ft Hall policeman who owned the property. That was interesting because when the policeman rolled down the windo of his Ft Hall police car, we noticed that he was a Black officer with a substantial number of tattooes on his exposed arms and piercings on his tongue which impeded his speech which clearly indicated that he was not only not a "local" Ft Hall resident, but that he was from a distant Eastern State. Interestingly he did seem to know that the old abandoned Station had once belonged to Luke Eaglefeather. Finding Luke was the fun part! I will mention that he lived just off Cemetary road in, what looked like an old abandoned single wide house trailed amidst a few other abandoned looking house trailers and a large number of abandoned vehicles inside a fenced and gated area protected by large mean dogs. I'll save the rest of the story for another post, but finding this guy was very "colorful" and adventurous. Remember that the Fun is in the Hunt.