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Vintage Chrome Hood Ornament Atomic Age

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Hood Ornaments94 of 165bull dog1920's Chevrolet moto-meter
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (42 items)

    This old, chrome hood ornament has been floating around here for some time and I have no idea what car it goes to. Do any of you?
    It is made of metal, old chrome and measures a bit over 12" long by 3" wide when measured across the arc. There is a number clearly defined on the inside, which you can see in the photo. That is all I know about it or could tell you.
    Sure would appreciate any help in its identification. thanks.. MG

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      I thought at first sight it was a draw handle it's amazing what things our brains come up with one person looks & sees one thing someone else looks & sees something different altogether I hope you find out what car it's off for your own sanity

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