Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
from left to right
1. on the shaft of the razor 'Bengall' other side 'T.R. CAD???? Sheffield England. The blade is marked Extra Hollow Ground.
2. no markers mark
3. has on the blade plate 'made in England'. White plastic handle.
4. is marked 'Personna' on the top. On the underside of the blade plate it is marked 'Personna' twice and 'British Made'
5. The head twist open from the bottom of the handle. the bottom of the blade plate is marked Brit Pat N0 430030 Made in England with a Gillette logo in a diamond.
Team I am seeking to find a time period for these blades.
I am putting together the personal items for soldiers from 1915 to today.
Steve - You have some good information as far as dating these. If it is marked "Made In" then it is after the tariff act of 1930. You also have a Pat. No. which you should be able to research quite quickly.
Some of the American collector/seller razor sites online are very good about helping ID and date items, I know they've helped me. Not sure about British items, as mine were American and these are American sites, but possibly. Also, there must be similar British collector/seller sites that can help. Good luck.
This site will tell you everything you need to know about the Gillette. Good luck with the others: