Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Found this at an antique/junque shop in NY state. It is glazed ceramic, about 14 inches high, with three female figures holding up the dish/planter. Anybody know the provenance - what world area this comes from?
looks to be mexican pottery to me
Hunter, that was my first thought as well, in fact I saw a planter just like this while doing research yesterday, and would have left a comment, but was uncertain since the faces and jewelry suggested differently.
yeah the glazing / floral shapes are what say Mexico to me, but the faces are pretty weird!
nice piece! i also think it's mexican - Oaxacan green-glazed pottery. i think the girls are either gavachitas [little white girls] or dead [as in Day-of-the-Dead].
No but look at the ears, and the earrings, and the necklaces. Don't those say Indian or Far Eastern to you? They did to me. Isn't that strange? :)
Maybe show all angles each face ?
I've added a few more images, showing all three of the faces. Two of them have green glaze running down them.
Thanks to comments, and stuff I found online, I was able to locate the likely source region and town: San José de Gracia, Michoacán.
Here is the site that led me to that determination: - there is a nice example of a similar ceramic piece.
My sense is that I stumbled on something valuable-ish. In any case, I know I love it!