Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Help! I've got a lovely glass pitcher/carafe/jug here, and would love to know more about it. I spotted it at a flea market and thought it looked great. The seller didn't know the maker, which intrigued me more, so I took a gamble and bought it. Even if it does turn out to be modern and mass-produced, it's still pretty nice!
The pitcher is a kind of squashed oval shape, with an absolutely flat top, like it's been sliced across. The handles are inset, so you grab the body of the pitcher itself to pour. It's extremely solid and very heavy. The pattern looks art deco.
I've searched high and low (on the internet, at least) to identify the mark, but with absolutely no success. It's etched, and looks like a stenciled lowercase "ac" surrounded by a stenciled square with an extra break in the lefthand side.
I'd considered if it was mass produced, but the sheer weight, solidness, and etched mark point to no. But, I've no great experience in these matters, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
That's a RIEDEL mark .... Upside down in the last pic.
Fabulous !!!!
I think this is the mark of Professor CLAUS J. RIEDEL.
There's some interesting discussion about this 'sand-blasted' signature on the net:
Ivo Haanstra makes the point that the design of the mark changes from year to year. "I believe the Riedels re-established their industry in Austria in 1955; the CJR (Claus-Josef Riedel) monogram was introduced 1960. The monogram changes from year to year - so the Riedels can tell from the monogram when the piece was made. Not sure if this information is found anywhere else... it is not on their website".
That last statement is not correct anymore. The Riedel site mentioned in comment 1 has marks but from the later period.
But the monogram it seems was not used before 1960 according to Ivo Haanstra. So your jug / pitcher will date to after that date.
On the net you will see some versions of the basic design but with a grape decoration. I'm thinking they are a later version of your pitcher.
I've found a basic design of a Claus Josef Riedel pitcher that mentions a series called "Drink in" ......
This link gives a date of 1969:
There's glasses too !!!!
ive never seen this style before ,but its beautiful!!!