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Shell Debut

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Gas, Oil, and Service Signs855 of 1674Shell & ShellTEXACO TIN SIGN
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (956 items)

    This beautiful 30s Shell sign is a 6' two piece sign from the 30's they tell me. We got it from an Auction in Wi as we just never had a lot of Shell Stations in Utah in the early days. Ha! We still don't have many! I love the scalllop shape and had to have a huge one only to find out, after finding two of them, that I can't fit them both on one building like I had imagined!!!! Par! No problem as the other one is different & we'll find another place for it. As you can see it greets people as they come on to the property at aaaLakeside Storage & leads them to the gas pumps and Service Stations etc. We love the addition of the Shell. The fun on this one was winning the bid after we found a place that had one at auction. We've had it sitting in the Texaco Station for over 8 months deciding where and how to mount it. Today was the day! We will celebrate the 4th of July with Shell
    Most people aren't aware of the huge contribution that Shell research made to the oil Industry in the entire world. Back when oil was getting less plentiful Shell decided to invest in a new concept for drilling for oil. No other company knew how to drill in water deeper than about 10-15' deep. Shell invented true deep water drilling and then did what no one ever does! They shared the technology with other Companies. They are completely responsible for saving BP from going bankrupt by bringing them in and teaching them how to drill in deep water! Now you know the rest of the story! We owe Shell big time!!!!

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    1. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Great sign:)
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      Thx. The other 6' Scallop sign says Shell motor Oil & is also pretty cool. Not sure where to display it in the museum yet? This hot 102-107 degree weather is killing me to get out & hang these big signs!
    3. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      I know the heat is terrible in Florida too and we have the humidity on top of that. I was cleaning my ATLANTIC sign today in the shade and was still soaking wet with sweat!! I found a Flying A Sign in PA when o went out there last week still in front of the service station:)
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      Amazing! We are having the hottest ever recorded temps for this time of yr & it doesn't let up. Flying A stuff is impossible to get in Utah as they were never in this State. The Flying A stuff we have has all come from outside Utah. We love the Flying A stuff and really want a 6' round Red one & a 4' embossed, but will likely never get them as the prices have gone nuts on that stuff. Oh well.

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